Today we (I) were/was supposed to go to the beach with A and K. I was woken up eight in the morning, and came downstairs in a half-asleep daze. The only thought that penetrated my dreamy state was, "i'm going to the beach with my friends today". Then, as mom handed me my breakfast, she said that A and K couldn't make it. And then my entire reality was shattered.
Okay, so i may be overreacting just a little bit, but i was pretty bummed. And it was probably a bad decision, but a combination of being woken up at eight in the morning and immediatley given bad news made me decide to stay home while everyone else went to the beach. Mom was pretty ticked. I suppose i haven't really been getting out enough lately. For the first time in years, her tan is more intense than mine.
So, here i am, about three hours later, (they're coming back at 2:00. Right now it's 11:52.) bored out of my mind. So i decided to do some yoga.
The part of me that is still pretty bummed decided to do the "beach yoga routine" I invented with K, out of some futile, melodramatic tribute. Yes, i admit i'm being melodramatic.
I started with sun salutation. Then Bamboo into Tree. And you know what? I think i've explained this routine already. Look at the post called "recap". I'll admit i skipped lion pose, since the neighbors might not appreciate me roaring too much. Oh. And i videotaped the whole thing with my flip camera.
And watching that six-minute video of me trying my hardest to do all these poses, I realized that my form would make any yogi cringe. Heck, I was cringing. I did do a good bridge pose, though. I'm pretty good at that.
The realization that i suck at yoga made me resort to drastic measures: I got out my mom's "Just my size" yoga DVD. Game on.
When I first got the DVD on, i saw a menu screen, and heard some new-agey music playing.
There was one option on the screen that said "entire program." that one seemed like it might be too intense for a beginner like me. Another said "warm up", and another said "workout". I chose "Warm up".
The first thing the instructor said was, "If you don't feel comfortable sitting on the floor, try placing a pillow under your buttocks." Inside, believe me, I was laughing, but on the outside I was professionally and seriously sliding my buttocks into half lotus position. (In layman's terms, "crossed-legs pose").
She started with deep breathing, then spinal twists. Then the screen transitioned into two words in big letters: "Workout". What? I'm pretty sure I asked for a warm-up! Apparently, choosing one option will still cause the television to walk you through the whole thing. But I stuck it out. Through dog pose, cat pose, kidney squeezes, (is that a good idea?) and the dreaded goddess pose, I waited it out for the entire five, deep breaths she asked of me. Even when my thighs were screaming.
And at the end of the workout, She asked me to lie down on the floor with my arms out to the sides. To breathe into my feet. (It makes more sense than you think.) Then my calves. Then my thighs. Buttocks, (there's that word again.) Lungs, Heart, Shoulders, Arms, Fingers, Face, And body. And for a brief few deep breaths I felt totally relaxed. But then the workout CD ended and I got up and started writing this.
But it was a really good experience. I might even do it again sometime.
SEE? See how much better these posts are when i write about things I've JUST DONE?
I realize, and own up to the fact that i did not write on this blog the past two days. But i'm MAKING AMENDS. I'm going to write SO HARD on this blog It's going to need a cast. Yeah. That's what I'll do.
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