Sunday, January 26, 2014

Biological Treatments

I just finished this one. I watched the lecture a few days ago, but wrote the essay over the week. It's part of a larger series on psychological treatments, so if you want to see those, go ahead and ask! But for now, have fun with biological treatments. (And try finding the PBS documentary on frontal lobotomies on Youtube. It's a bit graphic, but very informative.) Enjoy!

Biological Treatments


Aside from talk therapy, there are also other, more direct ways of dealing with mental illnesses. These fall under the category of biological treatment, and include methods such as medication, electro-convulsive shock therapy, and even psychotherapy, all of which come with their own degree of controversy. But we’ll delve into that later. Let’s start simple with medication.
                When we medicate a mental patient, what we are doing is manipulating their neurotransmitters. Now let’s think for a second about just what a neurotransmitter is. A lot of people like to think of the brain as having “wiring” of some sort, transmitting electrical signals continuously throughout the brain. Not so; along the axons, (the proverbial wiring) there are synaptic clefts; gaps in the wiring that the signal has to transverse. And so, one side of the axon, (the transmitter) will release neurotransmitters to relay the information across the gap. The other side, (the receptor) picks this information up, and it continues on its merry way. When using medication, we want to manipulate one or a combination of these neurotransmitters; norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. These are chemicals that the brain produces naturally, but can be manipulated to produce desired effects. Norepinephrine, for example, is associated with energy and alertness. Dopamine corresponds to the pleasure-reward centers in the brain, and serotonin, along with pleasure and happiness, is also thought to induce obsessive/compulsive behavior. There are, however, problems; first of all there are many, many areas of the brain through which these neurotransmitters pass, and only a couple areas we actually want to be affected. This spells two words; side effects. Second, because the brain is an amazing piece of equipment, it know how to self-regulate; meaning if there’s suddenly too much of a certain neurotransmitter introduced artificially, the brain will slow its natural production. This means that a patient will need more and more medication over time, and is likely to get addicted. Despite the downsides there are many, many different drugs in use right now with the purpose of somehow manipulating these neurotransmitters. Here are four of the most common;
                Tricyclics: Tricyclics slow the re-uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. What that means is that when the neurotransmitters are released, they take longer to be absorbed into the receptor, meaning they hang around longer than usual. This is said to increase their effects. There are, however, side effects, which include weight gain and poor concentration.
                Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MOI): There are certain enzymes in the brain made to destroy norepinephrine and serotonin if they hang around in the brain too long. This drug inhibits those enzymes, meaning said neurotransmitters can hang around a little longer. There are also many side effects, including high BP, and blurred vision.
                Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI): These do exactly what they sound like; they slow serotonin uptake like the tricyclics, but they’re very selective about it; leaving norepinephrine alone and going straight to the serotonin. These produce fewer side effects, and allow for higher doses than other medications. One very famous type of SSRI is actually Prozac.
                Lithium Carbonate: This is most effective with bipolar disorder. It serves to end manic episodes, and what psychiatrists have found is that when the manic episodes end, the depressive ones do as well.
                Once again, the thing to remember is that these drugs have downsides, which can sometimes be huge. So more and more people nowadays are saying that they should serve only as a transitional; to get people into a stable enough frame of mind where they would be willing to actually go to therapy, and slowly stop the medication as their mental state improves. But there are certain cases in which this is not an option.
                Schizophrenia, for example. Talk-therapy to a schizophrenic is basically useless; the illness has an almost entirely biological cause. That’s why many schizophrenics take anti-psychotics, such as chlorpromazine, which works by blocking dopamine receptors, and reduces positive symptoms. (Delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, etc.)
                But there are problems with this, too. A schizophrenic on medication will often feel like before they had this amazing ability. They may feel like they were somehow more perceptive than anyone else, more intelligent, and the meds are just dumbing them down. Not to mention, a nasty side effect of large doses of chlorpromazine, (which will happen eventually, to the brain’s self-adjusting system) is something called tardive dyskinesia, the symptoms of which include excessive lip smacking, and drooling. People who have been taking chlorpromazine long enough sometimes even have to hold a towel at all times, constantly wiping the drool from their face, which is not very effective. This is why one of the biggest challenges with schizophrenics is actually keeping them on their meds.
                Before the end of the essay, there are two other treatments I’d like to talk about, which can be considered more physical treatments. The first is electro-convulsive shock therapy, and this is a great example of how discoveries in science can come about completely by accident. (Remember penicillin?) A while ago, it was discovered that when people with severe epilepsy experienced a seizure, they reported feeling calm and happy. Obviously not happy about the seizure, but there were definitely positive effects. Not long after it was discovered that when a seizure was induced in a depression patient by way of administering electric shocks through specialized equipment, their symptoms were alleviated; they felt better. This treatment is still in use today, though it is by no means a cure-all; it is a transitional, used in cases where the patient is suicidal, and needs to get into a good enough place that talk-therapy will be effective. The effects are by no means long-term.
                And finally, frontal lobotomy; one of the most gruesome and controversial treatments of the modern world. (No longer in practice today, thank goodness!) One of the most famous figures in frontal lobotomy was a man named Walter Freeman. Just under a hundred years ago, Freeman began giving these such lobotomies to his patients. He would anesthetize the patient, and then slip a small, kitchen ice pick up into the skull around the eye, moving it back and forth and severing the connections to the prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobes of the brain. The good news; when you performed this procedure on a violent patient, suddenly they would stop attacking people and become completely docile. Often they would simply sit around playing cards all day. The bad news? Severing that connection basically takes away everything that makes you you, and turns you into what is basically an obedient, sentient vegetable. Think of the Ood from Doctor Who, and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Eventually people realized that what Freeman was doing was wrong, and his infamy drove him to other areas, with other patients. If a housewife was too unhappy with her situation to live anymore, he would give them a frontal lobotomy. If a child was too unruly for their parents to handle, he would give them a frontal lobotomy. He ended up lobotomizing nineteen children, including one four-year-old. And that’s why mad science isn’t always fun, folks.
                The treatments we’ve been talking about are not the only treatments out there. There are many others, farther out of the periphery of the mainstream, from art therapy to comic therapy. (Yes, Marvelites, it exists.) But these are the most well-known, and most reputable types.


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