Thursday, August 9, 2012


(3rd Consecutive Post!)

Okay, so this one might not be that interesting because it’s about shopping.
But it was my big event of the day, and I’m trying to write here every day, so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to.

Today Mom took me to Unique, (Our name for Unique Thrift) to get some skirts.
     See, she's been nagging me all summer to get some shorts, and I've been telling her all summer that I don't like shorts. So finally, last tuesday, she decided on a compromise; skirts. She said she would take me on thursday, since they were having a 25% off sale. Today is thursday.
     So I walk inside, and the first thing I see is this porcelain piggy bank. I really like classic piggy banks. I’m discovering the lack of a cork when mom sees this “Groovy Doll” on the shelf next to me, and she picks it up and she says,
            “It’s a groovy doll! I remember when you used to have one of these.”
And I, who cannot let things go, say; “Yeah, until you gave it away without asking me.”
            “I don’t think that happened.” She said. “I was usually pretty good about asking you before I gave your things away.”
            “I remember one day, waking up and thinking, ‘where’s my groovy doll?’. It was very tragic.”
            And she let it go. Because she totally did steal my groovy doll.
            In the Skirts aisle, the first thing I found was this pleated, Christmas-plaid skirt. I also found this one that looked like it should be a hat, or curtains, and another that was a sort of leafy kale-green.
            After the skirts aisle, I took a brief look in the vintage aisle, which always has some cool stuff in it. I found a very, very yellow dress, and some silk pajama sets, which I didn’t actually buy, but they were pretty cool.
            The dress aisle took us a while to go through. Some of them were pretty outrageous, but we came away with one long blue dress with a starfish and an oak leaf on the front, one pinkish floral dress, and one black sweater-y dress.
            So we walk through the kitchen-ware aisle to the dressing rooms, and they only allow in three items at a time, so mom holds three while I try on the others.
I tried on the dresses first, then handed her the ones I liked and tried on the skirts.
Turns out, I didn’t like any of the skirts, but there were two dresses that I really liked.
            I come out of the dressing room and tell mom that I didn’t like any of the skirts, and she tells me that the blue dress I liked was twenty dollars.
            “Twenty dollars?” I said, half in shock because I loved the dress and half in shock because it’s a thrift store. The point of thrift stores is to be inexpensive.
            And she said, “Do you really like the dress?”
            “Yeah.” I said, hugging her.
            And she kind of sighed, “Okay.”
            So we walked toward the checkout. But in line for the checkout, mom was looking at the tag on the dress, and she said, “Hey, this says this is a two piece.”
            And I said, “Huh. I did see another piece kind of like it.”
            But she said, “Well go find the other piece! Its twenty dollars, we might as well get the whole thing.”
            So I ran back to the dress aisle, and I found this overcoat, or jacket, or robe or whatever that was the same material and same color as the dress, and had the same starfish-and-oak-leaf thing on the corner.
            Mom asked the cashier just to make sure it was the same price for the whole thing, and there was a little mix-up, but we ended up getting everything for about nineteen dollars.
Because it was 25% off day. (YES!)

So this is my third consecutive post. Yay for me.

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