Tuesday, August 21, 2012


(2nd Consecutive Post!)
Today I decided to keep a weather log. I looked at the clouds and the temperature, and felt the wind and humidity, and wrote them down in a book. These are the entrys;


Weather: Sunny, sunny sunny!

Clouds: Cirrostratus; possible moist weather ahead.

Wind: almost nonexistent.

Temp: 76 farenheight

Humidity: leaning towards dry.

Time recorded: 12:47 PM.

2:49 PM
Temp: 79 farenheight.

Clouds: Cirrus; Cumulus; Nimbostratus?

Wind: barely there.

Humidity: Same.

5:45 PM
Clouds: Cumulus and Cirrus to the north; Nimbostratus to the south. Storm soon?

Temp: 76.5 farenheight. Went down a bit.

Humidity: Risen a bit. Not much.

6:52 PM: wind picked up a bit.

7:32 PM
Humidity rose; less clouds.

At that point there was less Nimbostratus and more Cirrus and Cirrostratus so I could safely assume we weren't getting the storm I predicted. Tomorrow I'll check the weather reports of surrounding areas and see if I was at least a little right.

(2nd Consecutive Post!)

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