Saturday, August 11, 2012

That's What Happens When You Leave a Bored Girl Alone with a Hose.

(5th Consecutive Post!)

So today we got, from netflix, the FIFTH SEASON OF EUREKA! (a show I watch.)
anyway, we went straight to the episode index, and the first one was a christmas episode. It's really hard to explain why, but in it the characters keep fluctuating between different animations; computer animation, cartoon, claymation, then anime-style. Also it involves ninja snowmen.
     After we were done watching Eureka, I went out into the backyard and played with the hose for a while. Meaning I got wet. That's what happens when you leave a very bored girl alone with a hose.
     Last note of the day; We were watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and (SPOILER ALERT) Angel comes back. From hell. And he's naked. And feral. Sooo... yeah. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS, PEOPLE!

(5th Consecutive Post!)

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