Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Cleaning.

I went on a Cleaning Spree today.
i Scrubbed the toilets, Cleaned & Polished my room, Cleaned & Polished the stove,
and disinfected the doorknobs, light switches, paintings, both tvs, (the new one & the old one.) and the exercise bike. i don't know why i went on a cleaning spree. i was just bored, i guess.
B-O-R-E-D T-O D-E-A-T-H. so now the stove and the toilets are clean, and most surfaces in the house are germ/dust free. on another note, how is it that just a few days ago i was boiling in a tank top and shorts,
and now i have to wear a coat outside again? sigh. maybe it was a heat wave?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I think I like it when you're bored ;-) (joke!)