Sunday, March 7, 2010

Harry Potter.

I met Harry potter today at the park. Well, not really, he just looks like Harry potter. I’ll put my day from the point we met, into story form.

The day I met Harry potter. AKA JP

I was running so hard, that my throat was cold and my legs were aching. My backpack was heavy, and was evidently chafing my shoulders and armpits. I was being chased by my brother and his three friends.
We were playing superhero, they were bad and I was good. I had hired a bodyguard earlier, but he crossed over to the other side. I clambered up the play structure. I needed a place to hide.
I looked right. Nothing. I looked left. The slide! I could slide down, and Jam myself halfway through! They would never think to look for me there!
I ran over, but there was someone in front of it. “excuse me?” I said. “can I get by?” “I don’t know. Are you good?” “what do you mean?” “I am guarding the slide from evil. Are you good?”
I explained to him that I was being chased, and needed refuge quick. “oh!” he said, as I started to slide down. “go ahead good sir!” “I’m a girl!” I said, one eyebrow raised. “oh, I’m sorry.” I slid down to the middle of the slide, and jammed my feet in different directions, so as not to go down the rest of the way. I looked up. I could still see the boy. Hopefully my brother and his friends wouldn’t see me. I heard footsteps. And my brothers voice. “hey!” he said to the boy. “move over, she’s in there!” “I’m sorry.” said The boy (who I was already thinking of as Harry Potter.) “I can’t let you go down. You see, I am guarding the slide from evil, and if you are chasing someone, then you are most surely evil” “come on guys.” My brother said. “lets look somewhere else.” When they were nice and far away, I climbed up the slide. “thanks!” I said to Harry Potter. “I’m Bridget. But you can also call Me Eagle. Whats your name?” then he told me his name, which I can only Recall as JP.
We kept playing superheroes, and Harry kept helping me. on the play equipment, we discovered that we both had a lense out of our glasses, on the same side! Eventually, my brother and his friends disqualified me for making up my own Superhero. (she’s called “the Artist.” She can draw anything in the air with her magic Finger, and make it real.) after that, I went to the highest spot on the playground, and sat down, bored. Just then, Harry came up! “Hi!” he said. “hi.” I said.
“I was wondering if you would like to be friends.” “sure.” I said, standing up he offered me his hand. I looked at him for a bit, and then shook it. He sat down. “what are you doing?” he said, curious.
“right now I’m sitting.” “hmm” I thought. “he’s nice. Maybe I should show him?” I pondered this question to myself for a bit, and then unzipped my backpack. “what are you doing?” he said. “getting something.”
After digging in my backpack for awhile, I pulled out my svendoolia journal. “see this?” I said, opening it. “this is my Svendoolia Journal. The first few pages is sciency stuff, from my month at greencamp.
But then, there’s a map. A map of svendoolia!” “whats svendoolia?” “it’s a place that nobody knows but a special handful of my Many friends. Now, you’re one of them. Anyway, this journal is full of maps of svendoolia, which I draw in my spare time.” “huh.” He said, looking with Interest at my Drawing of the Color pond.
“in my spare time, I like to draw, and write stories.” Now, I was excited. He liked the same things I do! This was evidently fate.
“really?” I said. “me too! I love drawing, and I’ve written five books and a million stories!”
“have you ever gotten anything published?” he said. “not yet, but I’m working on one that should be.”
Then I described to him my new book, “Search for the Aurora Gemstone” we sat and talked for awhile longer, until I started to get bored “hey.” I said.
“do you want to go on a quest for a better understanding of nature?” a question I had asked nearly half the kids on the playground. None answered with anything but no, probably because I always started with “greetings mortal”. “sure!” he said. So we got up, and went to look at rotten logs. Finding nothing there, we went to the lake next to the playground, where I met his younger brother. That’s also where I saw a rubber salamander in the water, discovered many plants that are NOT wood sorrels, and found much onion grass, and a black duck. (a genetic mutation if I ever saw one!)
Unfortunately, it is also where we said goodbye. But fortunately, it is also where I discovered that he had brought his dog too, (we had taken Sadie in the trunk of the car.) and where we exchanged E-mails.
In short, it was a great day.


G.K. Billings said...

Wow! That sounds awsome! Harry Pottter/JP sounds nice too. =)

G.K. Billings said...

Does have a scar too? =) He He, just kidding.

Brighid said...

No, he does NOT have a scar.
another fun fact about JP:
on the play equipment, we discovered that we both had a lense out of our glasses, on the same side! i mean seriously, how can it be that he's like me in so many ways?

Shannon said...

Harry Potter was a sweetie ;-) Have you emailed him yet?