Saturday, March 16, 2013

Celtic Woman, Minecraft, and Computers

Sooo, I went to a Celtic woman concert the other day. It was CRAZY awesome! There were smoke effects and light effects and everything, and they played ALL the best songs, Lisa Lambe was phenomenal, and they have the BEST DRUMMER EVER. His name is Ray Fean. He is epic.
   So that was awesome. It was worth it to wait four months!
In completely different news, a few days ago I started plating Minecraft. And unlike the first time I tried playing, when I loved it, this time it was awesome! I was so hooked, that two days later mom and dad bought me my own account and a new computer to play on. Do I have the coolest parents or what?
   Just so you know, though, it wasn't a spur-of-the moment, "Hey, let's buy a new computer for the heck of it!" kind of thing. I've needed a new one for a while now. The old one was a dinosaur; the moniter was about a foot and a half thick, no joke, and it literally took about 30 seconds to load EVERY TIME YOU CLICKED SOMETHING. So I have a new monitor, a new computer, a new keyboard, a new mouse, and even new speakers! (the old ones didn't work at all) and I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW FAST IT IS!!!!!!! What was life like before this computer?
   Anyway, Minecraft: Pretty awesome. I've been playing on peaceful so far, but I recently upgraded to easy, and I'm doing okay. I've died a few times, but hey, what're you gonna do?
   Things I've learned so far?

1. Always have a pick and a shovel in your inventory. Those are the most useful tools.
2. You can never have too much of anything, as long as you have the storage space.
3. Don't keep too much of your stuff in your inventory. Chests are your friends.
4. As soon as you make a home, make sure to sleep in a bed there that night. That way you'll respawn there when you die.
5. Whenever you make a house, built a huge structure next to it and light it up with torches and jack o' lanterns. That way you'll never lose it.
6. Love clay. Embrace it. It is one of the most readily available building materials, and you're guaranteed a boatload of it out of just one vein. Sometimes you even get multiple stacks.

Sooo... that's what I've learned in my three days of playing Minecraft. And also that Minecraft is crazy fun.


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