Wednesday, February 9, 2011


okay. i was reading this blog i follow,
and the girl who does it explained very well something
i have been trying to explain to other people for years.
the concept of my daydreams. turns out, we're pretty alike.
anyway, the way it works is that there are different "Universes"
in my mind that i am able to visit. almost all of them are
the universes of TV shows i watch or books i read. so in daydreams,
i visit the universe and have an adventure with the characters!
did i explain that well enough? hm. i have a feeling not.
my arsenal of universes is very large. i often visit one of these
universes before bed to help me get to sleep. it calms my nerves.
_ _

1 comment:

Harrison said...

That sounds exactly like me! I have a bunch of "universes." A lot of them are made up by me, but some of them are books I've read.