Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gako and Spiderplants!

Good news! I'm actually writing "The Adventures of Gecko"!
I think this one is gonna come out a winner. i've discovered that
my writing comes easier and goes faster if i listen to "afternoons and coffe spoons". Anyway,
i've been following some advice from my grandma about baby spiderplants,
and so far the roots have grown to just the tiniest bit away from 1/4 of an inch
possible! since the day before yesterday no less. We've already bought the pots
and the potting soil, the only problem is we have to wait for the soil to defrost.
Apparently, by the way, our lowes is having some problems.
you know all those roofs and windows they have over the outdoor area?
well some broke open, and now half of the place is covered in snow!
quite a nuisance. well this one guy was real nice and opened the doors so we
could get to the potting soil. on another subject, i have a new plant in my room!
see, my mom has this contraption that lets her grow edible sprouts,
you know, the kind that comes in plastic boxes from the grocery store?
anyway, we took a little handful of the seeds and mixed them around in some
wet soil, and they're already sprouting! not a surprise, as they were selected for fast
sprouting, but they're doing real well. since they're growing in soil and not just water,
and i've given them a spot in the sun, they've been growing pretty fast.
well... bye!

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