Monday, February 28, 2011

Green Tea

I just found out that, yes, you're supposed to water the plants with green
tea as a plant food to perk up unhappy plants. Well then,
i'll try and hope it works!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stuff that i'm talking about.

Hi! it looks like a majority of my readers have quite a few houseplants.
by that i mean four out of five, and even the one who didn't had some!
wow. well, theres a new poll, so make sure to vote! anyway, remember my baby spiderplants?
well, mine isn't ready yet, but i'm cutting off the one i'm giving to Lucy
on march first. then i can start Ada's in a pot. on another note,
my aunt has spiderplants in her house, and owen and my cousin were playing roughly
so two babies got knocked off prematurely! *gasp*!
but guess what? i rescued them! (imagine dramatic superhero music is sounding right now.)
so i'm going to be their foster mother and raise them. prematurely cut
spiderplants will be a test of my gardening ability! wish me luck!
Bridget, out!

P.S. i'm going to try watering them with green tea as a plant food.
my gardening magazine says many gardeners swear by it!
it would be expensive to just use green tea for plant food,
but if i just reuse tea bags, it won't make a difference. although they may have said to use the leaves as a fertilizer... hm. i'll have to find out.

P.P.S. I named the Spiderplants Catherine, (for the bigger one)
and Colleen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


okay. so i planted some more sprout seeds in a newspaper pot, right?
well this time i'm going to time how long it takes for them to sprout!
i'll tell you when they do.

Circ' De Science!

I went to the newark meuseum today!
they were doing something called the Circ' De Science.
first of all, they were giving out red rubber noses. i had to put one on.
second of all, i got a ballon hat. third of all, i got my face painted like a clown!
the guy who did it had his face the same, and he said no one else throughout
the whole day had asked for it because everyone thought he looked like the joker.
anyway, pictures soon!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Theres a new poll! you now get to vote on if you have houseplants,
and how many. the results of the last poll was that 6 of my readers like manga/anime,
and only 3 don't. it really is pretty popular! well, let's see how the new one turns out.

Gako and Spiderplants!

Good news! I'm actually writing "The Adventures of Gecko"!
I think this one is gonna come out a winner. i've discovered that
my writing comes easier and goes faster if i listen to "afternoons and coffe spoons". Anyway,
i've been following some advice from my grandma about baby spiderplants,
and so far the roots have grown to just the tiniest bit away from 1/4 of an inch
possible! since the day before yesterday no less. We've already bought the pots
and the potting soil, the only problem is we have to wait for the soil to defrost.
Apparently, by the way, our lowes is having some problems.
you know all those roofs and windows they have over the outdoor area?
well some broke open, and now half of the place is covered in snow!
quite a nuisance. well this one guy was real nice and opened the doors so we
could get to the potting soil. on another subject, i have a new plant in my room!
see, my mom has this contraption that lets her grow edible sprouts,
you know, the kind that comes in plastic boxes from the grocery store?
anyway, we took a little handful of the seeds and mixed them around in some
wet soil, and they're already sprouting! not a surprise, as they were selected for fast
sprouting, but they're doing real well. since they're growing in soil and not just water,
and i've given them a spot in the sun, they've been growing pretty fast.
well... bye!

Friday, February 11, 2011


GECKO! YAMORI! GAKO! These are three names for my new character,
Gako Daniels. He's the main character in a book I'm writing.
He leaves his home in a rowboat at fourteen to fight monsters and
find treasure and the like. It's really fun to write, because he's such a character
that when i write about him i can hear his accent in my head! And it's funny! Here's one of my favorite lines:
"I wear a sandal on one foot and a sneaker on the other
cause' of the little devil what lives in my stove. he steals my shoes,
but only one of each pair. a real nuisance, that devil."
Ha! The devil's name is Stewart. He's been living in Gecko's house
ever since before his parent's time, and he's one of my favorite parts of the book.

Unfortunately, you don't see much of him. Only in one part of the book
i haven't written yet. Sad. anyway, I even drew a picture of Gecko,
which you can see to the upper left.
It includes his flag, (If he were a pirate) and a drawing of Stewart. (The devil in the stove)
In my opinion, it's the best picture I've ever drawn, because;
A) I have only ever drawn boys badly, and just their heads.
B) I really like the way i drew his hair.
C) It's my first time drawing a bare foot. Well, he's wearing a sandal, but still.
D) His clothes are a bit more complicated then i usually draw, and i'm proud that it came out so well. cargo shorts and a (Red) vest without anything underneath was a challenge to draw!
E) i managed to blush his cheeks without it coming out all weird.
If you look really hard, you'll see.
F) I drew his mouth in an open smile! i've never drawn them that well before.
See? i didn't even know there were so many reasons until i wrote them down!
Notice i even wrote his name in Japanese. See? To the left of his head?
Isn't it awesome? It is! Yay! Well, bye for now. :-D


Hi! anyway, there's this poster-making shop on nanowrimo,
and i had a poster made for me. then when i put it on my computer,
i realized how easy it was to make. long story short,
now i've gotten into designing
posters! there are three in my room, and four next to my brother's desk.
There's an example to the side. this one is one of my favorites!
i've also made one about dragons, one about bento boxes,
four about raving rabbids, two for my friends,
and a few to save just in case. well, really because i felt like making them.
if you know me, by the way,
you can feel free to E-mail me or my mom and request one.
just make sure to tell me the general theme and any other specifics. bye!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


okay. i was reading this blog i follow,
and the girl who does it explained very well something
i have been trying to explain to other people for years.
the concept of my daydreams. turns out, we're pretty alike.
anyway, the way it works is that there are different "Universes"
in my mind that i am able to visit. almost all of them are
the universes of TV shows i watch or books i read. so in daydreams,
i visit the universe and have an adventure with the characters!
did i explain that well enough? hm. i have a feeling not.
my arsenal of universes is very large. i often visit one of these
universes before bed to help me get to sleep. it calms my nerves.
_ _

Moominville 2

Mrs. jenkins just bought an MP3 player,
and is getting along quite well with it. Mr. jenkins got one too,
and unlike Mrs. jenkins he's having some problems.
Ms. peabody joined an art class and is having fun.
The changa family found out that the dog broke the lamp, not sandy.
the landlord is lounging in his living room.
Forsythia is making the most of her last day at the cabin by
having a nice little picnic in the sun with her friend.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Someone knocked over an expensive lamp in the chang household.
Dad expects that sandy did it.
Mrs. Jenkins is over her little grudge and has apoligized to Ms. Peabody.
They're having coffee in Ms. Peabody's house. Mr. Jenkins has carved
a pretty little totem pole. the landlord is in the supermarket.
he just went to get eggs, but he got into an arguement with customer service about something
that doesn't really matter. Forsythia has noticed that the flowers under the willow tree
are already perking up, and while staying at the cabin she met an old friend,
who she is currently roasting marshmallows with.


Recently i drew a town on several peices of paper.
i call it Moominville. i'm going to make up little stories about what's
going on! today Mrs. Jenkins is fighting with Ms. Peabody because
she thinks that Ms. Peabody is planting in her patch of the community garden.
really some seeds just blew over there! Mr. Jenkins has
gotten back into whittling. the Chang family is having fun celebrating
the chinese new year, and Forsythia is staying in a cabin in the woods.
she just found a little wild flower patch hidden under a weeping willow,
and is cultivating it while she's there. the landlord is in the library right now,
studying marine biology. nobody knows his real name,
and you hardly ever see him in person. he discusses rent and such
over the phone.


well first of all, 66 percent of all my readers like manga/anime.
yes! second of all, i am getting into classical music lately. YES!
third of all, my spiderplant is growing more babies! yay!
i could seriously make a buisness out of this.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spiderplants & Wii fit

I'm going to give my friend a spiderplant for her birthday.
Mine is growing babies, so one goes to her, one to her sister,
and one i will raise myself. I just gave the mother plant (Courtney)
some plant food. that should make sure it gets to the babies too.
I think i'll name mine Delilah. I've also been soaking the babies
in 30 seconds of water every day. You have to give the roots a reason to come out!
Spiderplants reproduce by growing babies on stalks instead of putting out seeds.
Once the roots grow in, all you do is take it off and put it in a pot of it's own!
I got the original from my grandma. She has quite a few, and they reproduce like crazy,
so she was more than okay with giving me one! *laugh*.
Anyway, i've been getting back into Wii fit lately.
I've made it my goal to spend at least 25 minutes on the wii every day,
especially on balance games. I've noticed that i'm the best at the balance games,
and with my mother's DNA it couldn't hurt to practice. :-P
right now my brother is playing it, and my mom is going on soon.
i'm gonna go watch tv. Ciao!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lapis Lazuli

okay, so the title of this post is totally random. :-P
have you ever noticed how many epic stories you can make up in a daydream?
fun, isn't it? for as long as i can remember, i've used daydreaming as a technique
for getting to sleep. it works, too. and eventually your mind starts to drift,
and you begin to think about random stuff you can't even remember in the morning.
it's fun.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Okay. first of all, my icicle is now visibly shrinking.
i blame global warming. second of all, according to wikipedia,
i may have a form of synesthesia. NOW BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT,
don't worry. it just means i associate words, numbers and letters
with different colors. now i know i'm not the only person who does that. :-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm passing the time by chronicling how fast an icicle outside my window grows.
So far, it's been growing impressivly fast and long, and for an impressivly
long time, too. The last icicle i followed wasn't as long as this one,
and it fell off awhile ago. I'm going to go outside tomorrow
and measure the base. That might be the reason it's been growing for so long,
the base might be unusually thick. I'm actually having fun with this!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hi! it's me again! :3
I just decided to start another book.
lets hope i finish this one! *laugh*
I'm going for an Indiana Jones kind of thing.
A little like Alex Rover. What? you don't know who Alex Rover is?
I thought you might not. Anyway, I'm having trouble coming up with
a name for my main character. He's going to be male, so to balance it out
i want something that sounds slightly feminine.
Anyone have any ideas? Please comment if you do!
If this one goes well, i might write a sequel.
In fact, i might even make it a series! i'll be posting an excerpt.
If for some reason i don't, it probably doesn't mean i'm dead.
It probably just means i got bored with the book. *laugh*
Well, i'm off! no, not to write, to watch a new episode of LMOTP.
what? what?!