Sunday, April 18, 2010


my pet rock, caddy, got rocknapped!
we left her on top of the car in a little red seat, eating a cookie.
and when we came back, she was gone!
just so everyone knows, she was on top of a silver car with no handles on the back doors,
we were at the morris museum, and caddy was a medium sized sandstone with a flat back,
pom pom ears, glued on construction paper eyes, a funny little cat mouth, whiskers, (maybe. she might not have whiskers.) and spots. theres probably a glue mark on her bottom from a tail that used to be there. if anyone knows where she is, please tell me!
there is a bright side to all this, though. i now have a new pet rock, Ariana.
she's an orange beachstone, and she's not so heavily decorated. (just googly eyes.)
shes smaller so she's easier to carry around, and she is a bit cuter than caddy,
but i still miss her. :(
we told the mueseum i had lost her, and they're looking.
i'll write about it if they find her.

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