Friday, April 16, 2010

more pet rocks!

Everything you need to know about pet rocks.

Choosing a pet rock.
With all the breeds available, it is important to choose one that is a good fit for your family. If your space is limited, choose one of the smaller breeds. But even if you’re an apartment dweller, a well-trained pet can adapt to your space limitations.
No worries if you have a family member with allergies. Pet rocks are completely allergen free. Use caution if you have family members who are involved in any kind of a throwing sport. Windows and precious glass heirlooms can be inadvertently destroyed by indoor games of “catch.” If you need to know what breed a rock is, just leave a comment.

Sources of pet rocks.
Originally, the pet rock was only available through a limited channel of distribution. It’s no longer necessary to purchase the high-priced purebreds. Friendly pets can be found in unexpected places. The first place to check is an organization dedicated to animal rescue. Many people have tired of their pets or have moved and no longer have room for a pet.
You can improve the lot of these abandoned pets and feel good about adopting. The advantage of using this source is that the pets will already be spayed or neutered, and will be vaccinated against rock pox. Be sure to check for signs of abuse before deciding on a pet. Common indicators are chips or markings from crayons or permanent markers. Not to be confused with tattoos that artistic owners have applied to give individuality to their pet.
Since many pets have escaped into the wild, you may be able to locate a feral rock. If you have the patience, you can domesticate a feral pet. You need have no fears that it will turn on you.

Caring for your pet rock(s).
it is important to name your pet rock. A name helps define the personality of your pet and is one of the biggest decisions you can make when it comes to your pet rock.
Don’t name your pet anything silly. Rocks are very sensitive about this, so that means no spike, no lulu, no princess, no rover, and definitly no stoney, rocky, or granite.
After naming your pet rock, you want to further help define his or her personality by decorating your pet rock. Your pet rock's identity can be developed through different eyes, outfits, and coloring. You can paint your pet rock or make different fabrics or paper outfits for him or her. If you really want your pet rock to be unique,
You can give him/her little tattoo’s on his/her side. Make sure you ask your pet rock before doing this, because some pet rocks are afraid of it.
Create an environment for your pet rock. Make him or her a bed, some toys, or anything else to make him or her comfortable in his or her new home.
Then, there’s the matter of food and water. Two dishes in your pets habitat, One with water, and one with cereal, will do. For treats, pizza and carrots are good.
Make sure that your pet rock gets lots of exercise and socialization. Your pet will love to spend time with your family. Be sure to include him or her in family activities. Their exercise needs are minimal, but rocks can still benefit from it. remember, your pet can benefit as much from a hamster ball as it can from some outside time. also Plan play dates with other pet rocks or consider getting a second pet rock for him or her to play with and exercise with. But remember, when getting a second pet rock, if they are separate genders than be sure to either keep them in separate habitats, or spay/neuter one of them.
For grooming, Bathe your pet rock(s) daily with a mixture of hand sanitizer, soap, water and a little bit of lotion. You don't want to bathe it too often, for it will start to erode and leave you with a pet pebble.
Although pet rocks are not as popular as they once were, they still run the risk of rocknapping. Watch your rock carefully when in crowded public places. If you go to a rock park, make sure you keep it on a leash.

Breeding your pet rocks.
To breed rocks, get your pet rock. Is it a boy or a girl? If it's a boy, find a rock that is similar sized and draw a face on your new female rock with Sharpies. Add whatever you want on her, like makeup, or hair, for example. If it's a girl, make a boy rock with hair and eyes and stuff like that.
Find a small box that both rocks will fit in that has enough room for each rock's personal space. You can choose the five minute process for rock mating, which results in around four baby rocks, or the three hour process, which usually ends up around eight babies. If your rocks have been spayed and neutered, you can adopt babies.
Find the amount of smaller rocks your rocks mated for. If you did the five minute process, your rocks should have four to five babies, if you did the three hour process, find eight to nine smaller rocks. Draw faces, name the babies, and let the parents meet and bond with them. (If your rocks adopted, do the same.)
Female rocks have a strong maternal instinct, so they will easily care for the pebbles.
Remember, your rocks will now have a family, so a bigger box (or wherever else they live) is necessary. I would suggest one room for the parents, one for the boy pebbles, and one for the girl pebbles.

Making a home for your pet rock.
There are many things you can make a home for a rock out of.
I use a plastic box, no bedding, and a bed made of a scarf.
Most people would suggest a cardboard box, lined with cloth.
And you can also use a wooden box, lined with fleece.
For people who want to go all out, go to the pet store and buy a cage.
Pet rocks do well pretty much anywhere, so you can buy a bird cage, a fish tank, a hamster cage, or whatever else you want. There is no limit to the different homes you can make for your pet! Except money, of course. And comfort. Never make your pet rock live in a home that will not be comfortable for them.

How long will a rock live?
How long will a pet rock live? Well, With the proper care, your pet rock can be expected to live forever. This is not just a decision for you, as a pet owner. This is a commitment by your whole family and your heirs to provide for the ongoing needs of your pet. Just like parrots, a pet rock will often outlive its owner. Learning how to care for a pet rock is the most significant thing you can do for the quality of your pet’s life and your own.
Remember, your rock is part of the family now, and should be treated as such.
I hope you found my advice helpful.

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