Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fingers are The Only Way to Paint

Helloooo!!! The day before yesterday we went to the crayola factory, which was really awesome. At the end of our day we stopped in the gift shop and got (guess what?) fingerpaint! And fingerpaint paper!
So yesterday me and Owen spent like an hour making masterpeices together, and they're all on display in his room with our signatures in the corner! There's been this empty wall above his bed begging us to do something with it since we redecorated in there, but now it's covered in colorful splotches, and mountain ranges, and fruits and candies and fish and all sorts of other things! It's really pretty.
The actual painting, though, was the best part. I put on some of dad's old shirts as smocks (just like we used to do!) And I painted a sunny field. Owen watched me while I was painting. Eventually he decided he wanted to paint too, and as I was finishing up a picture of a flower, he got another one of dad's old shirts and wore it like a dress. No pants, no shirt, just smock. He rolled it up to look like a toga. :)
What we did was we would both decide on a painting, then work out who would paint which bits. It worked out pretty well. Our first painting was really little-kiddish; it was a tree, a sun, a flower, some grass, and a crudely painted bird. It was still really fun, though. As we painted, we got better and more creative. We put handprints all over the page and signed our names in big letters. We painted an ocean with colorful fish in it. One is a painting of candy, and another (which I really like) is a bunch of fruit like bananas, cherries, pears, grapes and raspberries. (I did the grapes and raspberries, which I'm really proud of. I also did blueberries, watermelon, a strawberry, a pear, and a tomato. And some of the cherries. Owen did a banana and three cherries.) There's one we're both really proud of, which is a picture of the sun setting behind some mountains, with a river running down from one of the peaks. There's another picture of a redwood forest (you can tell they're redwoods from the color) and there's two pictures of random splotches, which are actually really pretty. So that was fun.
   Also, in case you didn't notice; it snowed. A LOT. We've got like fourteen inches out here. Sophie is so adorable, 'cause it almost comes up to her shoulders! She'll run around outside, and come in positively covered in snow! We had to shovel the driveway out so dad could go to work, which wasn't fun, but it was actually easier than we thought it would be; the snow was really powdery. The hard part was getting the car open, 'cause the doors all froze! But it all worked, because mom is driving dad to work right now. In fact, they left when I started this page...
   Anyway. Back on the topic of drawings, I've decided to start a visual dream journal. See, the other day I had a dream about these creatures, that looked like faceless people with black markings on their heads just standing outside the house, watching us through the windows. They were really creepy, so like anyone would do I decided to draw one, complete with a description of the creature and little notes pointing out the details. When I finished, I realized it reminded me of a textbook. No, more like that field guide from spiderwick, or maybe John Smith's Journal of Impossible Things. (Doctor Who reference; You don't have to understand it.) So I thought to myself, what if there was a bunch of these hanging on my wall? Just a whole bunch of drawings of creatures and things from my dreams, with notes and descriptions all around them. That would look so awesome. And that's how the visual dream journal got started. I still only have the one drawing, but it's only been one day, so we'll see how it turns out.
    Before I go, I have one more thing to say; I think I'm immune to horror now. Like, maybe not immune, but more tolerant of it. My reasoning? I recently got through all three Weeping Angels episodes and the Vashta Nerada episodes of doctor who, (I know there's four weeping angels episodes, but netflix doesn't have the seventh season on instant.) And yesterday Torchwood went all slasher film on me, and I didn't freak out even a little. So there.
   Of course, last night I did kind of freak out about the drawing on my wall. The thought process;

In Doctor Who, that which holds the image of an angel is itself an angel. What if this thing becomes real?

Okay, what would happen if it was real?

It has no face, so it would probably want my face.

QUICK!!! COVER UP MY FACE!! (pulled my hair in front of my face)

After that I spent a few minutes imtermittently scratching itches and pulling my hair back in front of my face, trying not to move my lips around too much because I'd be flaunting them. It's the kind of thing that's really scary when it's happening, but just hilarious when you look back on it.

Well... Ciao for now!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Maybe some pictures of cute bunnies, or sunshiney beaches and keep the creepy stuff in a journal that you can safely close so they can't get out? Just a thought :)