Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Post!

And, here it is; the inevitable post after the long dry spell. So... who wants a recap?

Remember I told you I was going to stop using toothpaste? Well, I did , and I have been for about a month now, and none of my teeth have fallen out! Yay! Seriously though, my teeth are fine. There is literally no change. One less chemical entering my body.

Doctor Who
I started watching Doctor Who again. Something you need to know, though, is that the Doctor and I have kind of an interesting history.
   See, a long time ago, (maybe about three or four years) I noticed my dad watching Doctor Who. So I decided hey, that show looks cool, I'll try it out. It terrified me.
   A few years later I tried watching again. I pushed past the terror each episode inevitably brought, because besides that it was an awesome show. Until I tried to watch "Blink", the first weeping angels episode. That scared me off for one or two more years.
   Last month, (or maybe early in this month) I decided to try watching again, for the sake of my friend KC, (Not K; KC.) who watches the show. I don't know why, but it just didn't seem that scary anymore. I loved it, and watched all six seasons (There's a seventh, but it's not on netflix) Including all three weeping angels episodes, the episodes with shadows that eat you, (Vashta Nerada) And the gas-masked kids episodes. These, in my opinion, are the scariest sagas in the whole show. So that's one score for... I don't know who one, but I think it's awesome. But now I have to wait for the seventh season...

Did I say that Sophie is sleeping in my bed now? Well she is. And whereas she started out waking me up around six in the morning, she has now drifted to the decent hour of seven or seven thirty in the morning. Just thought I'd share that.

We have fish, in case you didn't know. Bereznoff and Calcifer, who live in my room, and Alex and Dave, who used to live in Owen's room but now live downstairs. See, it used to be that A and D lived in a big aquarium in Owen's room, and B and C lived in a little one in my room. But mom found a giant, 30-35 gallon aquarium in the basement, so we put that downstairs and moved A and D there, and we put their old (medium) aquarium in my room and now B and C are living in there. So. There you go.

I had a lesson in spinning thread! See, my cousin Nate's other grandma, Nelda, knows how to spin thread, so she taught me how! I'm going to go back for another lesson sometime. I'm wearing my first thread on my wrist.

Sooo.... there you go. My life in a nutshell.