Thursday, December 20, 2012

Everyone is wrong.

Here's an interesting sentiment; over the last year or so, one thing I learned is that almost everything society tells us is wrong. Anyone who knows me knows what I mean, but if you've never met me in person, let me put that in perspective:

1. I eat primal. No grains, high fats, (animal fats mostly, and also things like olives and avocado) lots of veggies, limited starches. This is the exact opposite as everyone in society tells us to eat. Yet, my dad eats this way, and he was cured of his diabetes. My mom started this way of eating, and amazes her doctor with her blood tests. I don't actually feel any different. But maybe I'd feel worse if I started eating SAD (standard american diet) again.

2. Shoes are bad. This is the best way I can explain without telling you to go read "Born To Run".
(Even though you should read it.)
   When you support an area of the body, it gets weaker. This is why people coming out of casts have trouble walking or using their arms. So why, then, are we marketing running shoes to athletes and casual joggers that are, as the advertisements claim, supportive and padded and cushy? I used to hate running. I would get winded after running ten feet, and I just didn't bother after a while. Of course, maybe that's because I used to wear running shoes everywhere, feeling superior over those idiots who wore deck shoes or high heels because I wore shoes for my health, not for fashion. yeah; that didn't work out. The first time I tried barefoot running, I fell in love with it. That doesn't mean I'm a runner now; honestly, I'm kind of a couch potato. But now I go barefoot whenever I can. And when I have to put on shoes because it gets too cold, or I'm going into a public building, my feet just feel... sadder.

3. Dogs should not be eating dog food. Let's attack this one step at a time.
First of all, let's take a look at your average kibble; it's very dry, isn't it? Do you really think that's a natural thing? After all, all food in the wild has at least some level of moisture. Especially for dogs who, being carnivores, consume living things which have a lot of moisture in them. The day we got Max off kibble, the water bowl went virtually untouched.
   Second of all, have you ever noticed how dog food all seems to be advertised as containing "healthy, nutritous, real vegetables"? well, think on this; DOGS ARE CARNIVORES. Do I really have to explain that one?
   Third of all, multiple dog foods are advertised as having "healthy" whole grains in them. But can you imagine dogs in the wild jumping at the tops of wheat stalks, thinking, "If I can just eat some of this, I'll be healthy!"? I didn't think so! And if an animal doesn't have access to something in the wild, why would it be healthy for them in captivity?
   If you're still not convinced, look at Max; when we started feeding him raw meat and the occasional vegetable scrap, (since small amounts of veggies are found in the stomachs of dog's prey, and affordable meat nowadays is fed with grains) his dandruff went away, he stopped itching, and his gassiness went away. Even when he does fart, it doesn't smell half as bad as it used to.

4. And let's not forget the obvious lack of school. This isn't exactly something I've learned in the last year, though; more like something I've always known, and have been relearning for years. I have never gone to school. The closest I've ever gotten was music reading class, (since I was given homework) and I have to say I didn't get much out of that. But am I an idot? No, no I am not. I like to think my intelligence is at least a little bit above that of the average schoolkid. (As we homeschoolers always refer to them)
Having never taken an IQ test, I can't prove to you that I'm not undereducated. But I will tell you that I have taken a reading test, and at the age of eight I was reading at an eighth grade level. If I've progressed that fast in any of my other subjects, I think intelligence is a given.
   And another thing; homeschoolers are closer to their children, and to other homeschoolers. If you've ever been to, say, the craft fair, you'll notice this sort of tribal community going on, where everyone knows everyone else, everyone shares recipes, and so forth. When our friend S got pregnant, everyone (except me, admittedly.) got together to help make her a patchwork shawl. When our friend (whose name also begins with S) got sick, me and mom made her soup and brought it over. Places like the craft fair are where you see the moms breastfeeding out in the open, the babies being carried around on backs african-style, the whole "tribe" joining in to playfight with their duct-tape swords, (a trend started years ago which, so far is as much a trend as TV or the internet.) and it's amazing. It's like, wherever our little tribe ends up, a community automatically forms.

As you can see, we seem to be slowly weaning ourselves off the societal nonsense we've been eating for years, and switched over to healthier fare; namely, decisions that were made by us, not by "scientists" we've never even met. I'm not done, either. Right now I plan on conquering two more "new" ideas;
Toothpaste isn't beneficial, and shampoo is bad for your hair.
   Wish me luck!


AW3740 said...

My diabetes isn't cured but it is under control with this diet. And my cholesterol is down to "normal" levels, not up as you'd expect on this diet.

Briget's dad.

Shannon said...

Dang girl, you've got the counterculture thing going strong :)

I agree with a lot of it but . . . sugar. Mmmmmm.