Okay! Time to rant about The Sims 3 some more.
First of all, My sims finally moved into that new house! I settled on a place called "Sunny acres". I totally remodeled the bedroom- it's awesome now. But, of course, not as awesome as the basement! In the backyard there is a little building which looks almost like a shed from the outside. On the inside of that buildingyou would observe stone walls and floors, and two stone statues standing over a spiral staircase leading down. One statue is of a man holding a wine glass. One is of a woman holding a bowl of grapes. (Do you see where I'm going here?) And if you were to travel down that staircase, you would come to the nectar cellar! (Nectar is like sim-wine.) The nectar cellar is where I keep the nectar-maker, and all the nectar. But that's not all. if you were to see this nectar cellar, you would notice something odd; there is a bookshelf on one wall. Just one bookshelf. In a nectar cellar. And if one were to click on this bookshelf, one would not get the option to "read something", but instead the option to "go through door", for this bookshelf is actually a secret door which leads to the RELIC GALLERY! Pretty cool, huh?
Another thing: Yesterday, after months of waiting for it to be released, I finally bought the Sims 3 Seasons expansion pack! Dad is actually the one who bought it, (he gets a discount at best buy) but he used my money. The sims 3 Seasons expansion pack features seasons, weather, festivals, holidays, and all those fun things. I had been waiting for months, so when I finally started playing, I was ecstatic! I was having an infinite amount of time until it shut down. Sims just shut itself off. For no apparent reason. I mentioned this to mom and she saqid since it was almost bedtime anyway, I should wait until tomorrow; maybe it would work after it rebooted. So today I got on the computer and started playing again. It worked pretty well until I tried to save; then error code 12 popped up. This had happened before. It basically meant I couldn't save. By then I had had enough. I thought to myself, you know what? I'm just going to play anyway. So i played for a few minutes. And guess what happened? Sims shut down. AGAIN.
Mom got home (she was at the doctor's office) and I told her what had happened, and she's still trying to fix it. She says that Dad (the computer expert) won't have time to look at it until this weekend. -_-
So, while I'm waiting to play sims, I hope to post a visual tour of my sim's new house. Soon. Maybe.
My Name is Bridget, and this is my blog. You're not going to find anything too specific about hobbies or anything here. I just write whatever pops into my head. I treat this like a public journal, you know? So go ahead, read about my life, leave a comment, whatever.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Once again, I have neglected my blog for months only to start up again in a completly different season than when I left it. Sorry about that. So, it's time for another recap! Lets start, shall we?
WE LOST POWER DURING SANDY! Yeah, for like, four whole days. It might have had something to do with the fact that me and Owen had been wishing for the power to go out the whole day of the hurricane. Probably not, but, you know. Whatever. At some point, I actually got out paper and pencil and started writing a story about the first day of the hurricane. By candlelight. Most of it, anyway. I'll probably type it up at some point and share it with you, but not now. Right now, my hand is actually a little stiff because it's cold in here. Brr.
Singing/Music Reading Class:
I started taking singing class! And reading music class. Singing class is really fun, and when I first got there I was expecting the teacher to be all, "You think you have a good voice? Your voice is no different than anyone elses." And then she'd whip me into shape and it would all be some sort of dramatic yet inspriational movie. No dice. In a good way, though; because the first time I sang in the class, everyone clapped and the teacher said my voice was "Beautiful, clear, and crystalline". Apparently I'm a high soprano. : O
Reading music class, however, was a different story. The first time i got homework, (the dreaded word) I pored over it for what seemed like hours and got through two pages. In the next class, the teacher said, "Okay, you all did your homework? Good, now over the week read to page 38."
I was seriously behind, seriously stressed out, and seriously not learning anything. So I decided I just didn't want to take the class anymore. Mom said it was okay, but there was one more problem left; what to tell the teacher. To be honest, I spent the entire time between classes thinking up excuses that would get me out of the class without any hard feelings. on either of our parts. But, in the next singing class, when the teacher asked why I hadn't shown up for reading music class, I just stood up and told the truth. And nobody bit my head off, and nobody made fun of me. She said it was perfectly okay, and I didn't have to apologize for anything, because reading music is a really hard subject. So now I'm just taking singing class.
I am also now in two 4H clubs; sewing, and horticulture.
They actually start the horticulture club right in the middle of a fundraiser, which is kind of stupid in my opinion, but there's probably some weird reason for it that I don't know. So now I'm selling bulbs.
Not much to say about sailing, except this: SAILING SEASON IS OVER! It ends in October. It is so tragical. *sniff*
Sims 3:
Remember that game I keep ranting about? Well, a lot new has happened with it. I'm not sure what to tell you about first, so I'll just go with chronological order.
First of all; Hope is gone. You know Hope, that wonderful tortured-artisty sim I kept raving about? She grew up, got married, moved out, had kids, and was claimed by a COMPUTER ERROR. It wouldn't let me save the game. As it turns out, there wasn't enough memory. We got more, but now I'm kind of afraid to play her, like playing any more will trigger some new glitch and my heart will be broken all over again. I don't have the heart to delete her though, so she just sort of sits in the dashboard, Proudly holding her newest baby, her two toddlers on the floor in front of her and her husband's hand on her shoulder. No longer a functioning sim; just a portrait of nostalgia. Forgive me if I seem a little dramatic, but Hope was a REALLY AWESOME SIM.
Second of all; I got the new expansion pack; Sims 3 SUPERNATURAL. In it are werewolves, witches, fairies, zombies, fortune-tellers, mushrooms, alchemy, and all these other wonderful things! That's really what got me playing again. But my sim right now has little to do with the supernatural. In fact, she has more to do with the physical realm than any of my other sims ever have. That's because;
Last of all: She's Me. My new sim is as close an approximation of me as I could muster. (Okay. my hand is no longer stiff, but now my wrist is sore. Ow.) She looks almost exactly like me, she wears things that i would wear in real life, (Her pajamas? Dead ringers.) and she doesn't wear shoes. I know, right?
Her stats:
Name: Bridget Coulter
Age: Young Adult
Traits: Couch potato, Excitable, Eco-friendly, Bookworm, Absent minded.
Favorite food: Grilled salmon.
Favorite music: Classical.
Favorite color: Red.
Lifetime wish: Seasoned traveler (Have max visa for all three travel destinations.)
Astrological sign: Libra. (I don't know what this one is about, but I filled it in anyway.)
She has a career in journalism, and right now she has a level 2 visa for two out of three of the travel destinations. Right now she pretty much lives in a hovel, but she's saving up for her dream house, because (surprise, surprise!) she's planning for a family. I already know my daughter's name and traits. I'm not revealing them though. Okay, I am: (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!)
Name: Terra Coulter.
Traits: Good, Loves the outdoors, Adventurous, Eco friendly, and one last undetermined trait.
Her father will be Yves Bernard, (soon to be Yves Coulter!) Bridget's boyfriend in France. (I know, right? What is up with my sims and French dudes? At least this one is actually single.)
Though he's from France, I actually met Yves in Egypt, where he was going as an explorer, pith helmet and everything. Since then they talked on the phone every day until she finally visited France, and they became boyfriend and girlfriend right then and there. I'm planning on moving into a nicer house, then inviting him over for a while. I'll ask him to move in with me, (Her. Her, not me.) And then they'll get engaged, and have their wedding in France! Only this time I'll actually have a wedding party, since by then I'll have a vacation home, and I (She. SHE!) already has plenty of friends in France.
I'm having trouble finding a house, though. Same problem with Clarissa: It has to be big enough to raise a family, but not so big that maneuvering gets confusing. I also want to have enough room to build a nectar-cellar/gallery, where I'll store my nectar, and a gallery of my relics. And a big yard, to fit a clothesline.
I might build my own house, but with me that's akin to rolling dice and hoping for the best. I'm good at interior design, but architecture? Not so much.
Another problem is that I really want a home that makes me feel the same way I did in Hope's house. It's hard to explain, but whether I was watching Clarissa cook breakfast, or having Hope take pictures of Gerard and Tad on the seesaw, the whole house just felt... right. I'm being vague, I know.
Soooo.... there you go. That's as much as I care to write about at the moment, soo...
Signed, Someone who is Totally NOT a Unicorn. (Maybe.)
WE LOST POWER DURING SANDY! Yeah, for like, four whole days. It might have had something to do with the fact that me and Owen had been wishing for the power to go out the whole day of the hurricane. Probably not, but, you know. Whatever. At some point, I actually got out paper and pencil and started writing a story about the first day of the hurricane. By candlelight. Most of it, anyway. I'll probably type it up at some point and share it with you, but not now. Right now, my hand is actually a little stiff because it's cold in here. Brr.
Singing/Music Reading Class:
I started taking singing class! And reading music class. Singing class is really fun, and when I first got there I was expecting the teacher to be all, "You think you have a good voice? Your voice is no different than anyone elses." And then she'd whip me into shape and it would all be some sort of dramatic yet inspriational movie. No dice. In a good way, though; because the first time I sang in the class, everyone clapped and the teacher said my voice was "Beautiful, clear, and crystalline". Apparently I'm a high soprano. : O
Reading music class, however, was a different story. The first time i got homework, (the dreaded word) I pored over it for what seemed like hours and got through two pages. In the next class, the teacher said, "Okay, you all did your homework? Good, now over the week read to page 38."
I was seriously behind, seriously stressed out, and seriously not learning anything. So I decided I just didn't want to take the class anymore. Mom said it was okay, but there was one more problem left; what to tell the teacher. To be honest, I spent the entire time between classes thinking up excuses that would get me out of the class without any hard feelings. on either of our parts. But, in the next singing class, when the teacher asked why I hadn't shown up for reading music class, I just stood up and told the truth. And nobody bit my head off, and nobody made fun of me. She said it was perfectly okay, and I didn't have to apologize for anything, because reading music is a really hard subject. So now I'm just taking singing class.
I am also now in two 4H clubs; sewing, and horticulture.
They actually start the horticulture club right in the middle of a fundraiser, which is kind of stupid in my opinion, but there's probably some weird reason for it that I don't know. So now I'm selling bulbs.
Not much to say about sailing, except this: SAILING SEASON IS OVER! It ends in October. It is so tragical. *sniff*
Sims 3:
Remember that game I keep ranting about? Well, a lot new has happened with it. I'm not sure what to tell you about first, so I'll just go with chronological order.
First of all; Hope is gone. You know Hope, that wonderful tortured-artisty sim I kept raving about? She grew up, got married, moved out, had kids, and was claimed by a COMPUTER ERROR. It wouldn't let me save the game. As it turns out, there wasn't enough memory. We got more, but now I'm kind of afraid to play her, like playing any more will trigger some new glitch and my heart will be broken all over again. I don't have the heart to delete her though, so she just sort of sits in the dashboard, Proudly holding her newest baby, her two toddlers on the floor in front of her and her husband's hand on her shoulder. No longer a functioning sim; just a portrait of nostalgia. Forgive me if I seem a little dramatic, but Hope was a REALLY AWESOME SIM.
Second of all; I got the new expansion pack; Sims 3 SUPERNATURAL. In it are werewolves, witches, fairies, zombies, fortune-tellers, mushrooms, alchemy, and all these other wonderful things! That's really what got me playing again. But my sim right now has little to do with the supernatural. In fact, she has more to do with the physical realm than any of my other sims ever have. That's because;
Last of all: She's Me. My new sim is as close an approximation of me as I could muster. (Okay. my hand is no longer stiff, but now my wrist is sore. Ow.) She looks almost exactly like me, she wears things that i would wear in real life, (Her pajamas? Dead ringers.) and she doesn't wear shoes. I know, right?
Her stats:
Name: Bridget Coulter
Age: Young Adult
Traits: Couch potato, Excitable, Eco-friendly, Bookworm, Absent minded.
Favorite food: Grilled salmon.
Favorite music: Classical.
Favorite color: Red.
Lifetime wish: Seasoned traveler (Have max visa for all three travel destinations.)
Astrological sign: Libra. (I don't know what this one is about, but I filled it in anyway.)
She has a career in journalism, and right now she has a level 2 visa for two out of three of the travel destinations. Right now she pretty much lives in a hovel, but she's saving up for her dream house, because (surprise, surprise!) she's planning for a family. I already know my daughter's name and traits. I'm not revealing them though. Okay, I am: (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!)
Name: Terra Coulter.
Traits: Good, Loves the outdoors, Adventurous, Eco friendly, and one last undetermined trait.
Her father will be Yves Bernard, (soon to be Yves Coulter!) Bridget's boyfriend in France. (I know, right? What is up with my sims and French dudes? At least this one is actually single.)
Though he's from France, I actually met Yves in Egypt, where he was going as an explorer, pith helmet and everything. Since then they talked on the phone every day until she finally visited France, and they became boyfriend and girlfriend right then and there. I'm planning on moving into a nicer house, then inviting him over for a while. I'll ask him to move in with me, (Her. Her, not me.) And then they'll get engaged, and have their wedding in France! Only this time I'll actually have a wedding party, since by then I'll have a vacation home, and I (She. SHE!) already has plenty of friends in France.
I'm having trouble finding a house, though. Same problem with Clarissa: It has to be big enough to raise a family, but not so big that maneuvering gets confusing. I also want to have enough room to build a nectar-cellar/gallery, where I'll store my nectar, and a gallery of my relics. And a big yard, to fit a clothesline.
I might build my own house, but with me that's akin to rolling dice and hoping for the best. I'm good at interior design, but architecture? Not so much.
Another problem is that I really want a home that makes me feel the same way I did in Hope's house. It's hard to explain, but whether I was watching Clarissa cook breakfast, or having Hope take pictures of Gerard and Tad on the seesaw, the whole house just felt... right. I'm being vague, I know.
Soooo.... there you go. That's as much as I care to write about at the moment, soo...
Signed, Someone who is Totally NOT a Unicorn. (Maybe.)
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