Hi! guess who just got a new pillowtopper? meee!
*happy dance* yeah! the problem is, i also got new sheets,
and they have so much friction that it's really, REALLY hard to move.
i ended up sleeping in the same position all night.
thank you very much, ikea! (i was being sarcastic there.)
anyway, today i got up, got dressed, and my mom and Owen were in Owen's room.
(about that, it's almost finished!) they were trying on Owen's summer clothes,
so mom asked me to make my own breakfast. long story short, i ended up
singing a song about breakfast to the tune of "crazy train". *snicker*.
i'm told i'm good at making up songs like that. like the hot chocolate song!
or the bunny song! heh heh. well, bye.
1 comment:
Yes, but the question we all want the answer to is - did you eat breakfast? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
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