Monday, November 29, 2010

Poems and Words.

Hi! check out this poem i just wrote:

Treasures of the Sea.

Underwater, crystal clear,

such wonderous things i see and hear.

the click of dolphins, sweet and true, fills my ears with their sweet music.

swimming together, spiraling round, jump out of the water then touch the ground.

schools of silver fish swimming, never leaving even one behind,

all of them, each one fish, yet sharing just one silver mind.

coral reefs, filled with rainbows, made up of such colorful fish.

see the oysters covering the ground, each contains a little wish.

the whales they sing a lovely song, one for all the fish to hear.

they don't notice, but for me, it's music to my human ears.

underwater ruins, a castle covered in mold,

paintings line it's rocky walls, telling tales of old.

each little fish unique, each coral bush a treasure,

the sea is filled with beautiful things, too many, too great to measure.

so, what did you think?
on another note, i recently adopted the words
"Acrasial", meaning in a bad mood or having a bad disposition, and "quaeritate"
meaning to ask.
Save the words is a nonprofit organization
that dedicates itself to saving words that have been, or are being
taken out of the dictionary. to adopt a word, go there,
log in a pick a word from the many displayed before you.
make sure you pick a word you can use in conversation as
frequently as you can, so it doesn't die out,
and click "spread the word" to find out ways to help
spread your little orphan word! thanks to everyone who takes my advice.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weird poem.

i just made this up, on the spot:

alas, i see that you and are destined to become monkeys!
with tufts of hair upon our heads.
perhaps i shall wear mine in dreads?
whee whee, climb a tree bring bananas down.
run circles round the lowly snails, round and round and round.
pick a jewel encrusted plum, me a ruby date.
being a monkey will be so fun, i can hardly stand to wait!
run around, make monkey sounds, and play tag with the apes.
we will have no bedtime, and so we'll wake up late!
pick a coconut, and open it with a stick. drink the juice and let it drip,
drip drip dribble down my chin. see the coconut bowl, with coconut meat in.
alas, i see, that you and me are destined to become monkeys.
but now i see, i really should be filled with glee.

Friday, November 26, 2010


guess what? my dad helped my do some editing,
so now my book has 31 pages! yay!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hooray! i just finished my book!
at 7 chapters, 24 pages and 13,339 words, it's the longest book i've ever written,

not to mention the best. i'll be printing it out soon, so that
family members and friends can read it.

it was hard, at times. there was this one period where i just had no ideas whatsoever.

but i remedied that soon enough, and lucky too, because if i hadn't,

i wouldn't have gotten the lovely badge you see at the top of the page.
even better, Nanowrimo says they'll print my book! yessssssss.
and BTW, if you're reading this blog, love books and are 17 and under,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


i forgot to say something important in that last post!
i am learning to ride the unicycle! i'm doing well too. i can almost ride on my own for a full second!

Crayons & Spice Shelves.

As of late, my artwork has begun to revert to our most primitive drawing tool:
The Crayon.
you know, that brightly colored little stick of wax that you used when you were two years old,
and usually ended up on the walls or in the toilet.
i remember a long time ago, i loved drawing even more than i do now.
so one day, my mom took a huge piece of white paper, and put it up on the wall for me to draw on. i was ecstatic, and immediately began drawing things that were supposed to be people,
but looked more like a deformed Mr. Potato Head. Nevertheless, i was happy,
and kept drawing for what seemed like only minutes, but was probably hours.
then my grandma scully walked in. unfortunatly, the wall back then was the same color as the piece of paper, so she thinks i'm writing on the wall. thats as far as my memory goes,
but i'm sure that whatever happened afterwards was funny.
no one really appreciates the humble crayon anymore. they are regarded as a childish and primitive way to draw, something for children six and under. however, the crayon is underestimated, as i will now demonstrate: the only thing i can see wrong with a crayon, is that it is noneraseable, and i have no doubt that the technology to erase crayons will be invented someday, or even already has without my knowing. after noneraseability, it's pros are near endless. first of all, Crayons come in all sorts of imaginative colors, even the color of skin, thus making your creations even more vibrant and beautiful. i have no idea what vibrant means, but i'm pretty sure it fits into this sentence. second of all, many crayon boxes nowadays come with sharpeners on the back, to help your crayons lead long happy lives. third of all, even if you are a truly enthusiastic artist and are eventually left with a "nub", (the short stump of wax you are left with when a crayon is past it's prime) modern technology has invented a machine that you, yes you can use to melt the crayons together and create a rainbow, or to melt nubs of one color together and create a new one. yes, crayons truly are misunderstood. like the seemingly lowly rat, or the supposedly lazy sloth. (that's right, sloths are not really lazy. they sleep about as much as you or i, but sleep in small cat naps throughout the day, instead of one long period at night.) so the next time you see a crayon, if you are compelled to, give in to that primitive instinct left over from your early days, and draw!
now then, before i start talking about Spice Shelves, i would like to inform everyone that i am bringing the polls back. they will be stationed to the right of the posts, and i hope you will all vote on them. thank you.
now to explain what i mean about spice shelves. today we went to Stop and Shop.
it started out as an expedition for pie ingredients, but turned into a full scale shopping trip.
as we were walking down one of the aisles, i noticed something. the spice thingies, you know, those contraptions that roll down a new spice bottle every time you take one, were askew.
i found pepper in the cumin, curry powder in the garlic powder, bottles not evenly packed in together, but piled on top of each other, and one Contraption without any spice actually in it, but with a few small jars of pepper just sitting there. so i happily stood there rearranging them until my brother dragged me away. not literally dragged me, but the verbal equivelant of such.
and that is the end of my story. but before i go, i would like to ask the readers of my blog to comment about any interesting crayon facts they know. tip: sure generic crayons are cool, but crayola is a goldmine of facts. thank you!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dramatic Scene.

I remember the smell of smoke. of burned bodies and blood.
i remember the bodies of millions of dead warriors,
who had rushed into battle without thinking, their only goal
to protect our kingdom.
i remember tears rolling down my cheeks, as i thought to myself,
"what is happening?" suddenly, my mother rushed toward me and picked me up, still running.
i tried to ask her what was going on, but she silenced me,
and tears began to fill her eyes.
she ran for miles, or so it seemed, until finally, she stopped.
she stood as still as a rock. looked left, then right,
and put me behind a bush, telling me to stay there, and be quiet.
i waited, obediently, until i heard a scream, the sound of a blade swishing through the air,
and then, blood. my mother's blood, Splattered across my face.
i looked down in horror, and sat there for a minute, in shock,
not believing what had just happened.
then i got up, and began walking back toward the kingdom,
being careful to tiptoe around my mother's body without looking.
i wanted my father. i wanted to bury my face in his shirt, and cry until
i didn't miss her anymore, but after hours of desperatly searching the castle top to bottom,
i found nothing. in despair, i curled up in a corner and cried.
someone heard me, and rushed toward my corner, picking me up and rocking me back and forth. i opened my eyes to find that it was my nanny, alana.
"wheres daddy?" i asked, tears still filling my eyes.
"i don't know." she said, still rocking me back and forth. "i don't know."

aaaand, scene!

Sardines & Cardinals.

hello! you will all be glad to hear that Owen's leg is expected to heal very soon.
he's standing now, not walking but standing, and can put some weight on his
casted leg. it no longer hurts at all, so he's taken to scooting around the house
instead of using his wheelchair.
anyway, let's talk about something relevant to the title.
first: Cardinals.
a long time ago my dad made a sort of bottomless cage
to keep plants in, so that the squirrels don't get them.
since then we have just kept it outside, not really doing anything with it.
today we were raking the backyard, when i saw a Cardinal stuck in the cage!
it was flying around, desperately trying to escape, and eventually got itself
caught in a hole in the cage, that, unfortunatly, wasn't big enough for it to get out.
so i ran to get my mom, using the back door because i thought it would be quicker.
turns out the door was locked and i had to ring the bell and knock on the door
for a very long time before mom would answer the door.
when she saw the cardinal she asked me to go get a pair of gloves, so i could hold the bird,
while she got something to cut it free. luckily though, it freed
itself from the hole by the time we got back, and was flying around the inside of the cage again.
and so it was as easy as lifting the cage.
it flew away without so much as a thank you, but it felt good to help a creature in need.
plus, i got to see a cardinal REALLY close up!
now, for sardines.
ever since my mom developed a taste for sardines, she has been nagging me to try them.
well today i finally did, and it turned out, if they're skinless and boneless,
and packed in water, although my mom says olive oil is better,
they look and taste just like tiny salmon! and that is how i developed a taste for sardines.
on one last note, i am writing a book for the NaNoWriMo young writers program.
so far, i have somewhere around 10,000 words. all i know is, it's more than ten thousand,
which is my word goal, and that is good.
bye for now! expect another post which is really just a dramatic scene i dreamed up in the car.