Saturday, February 13, 2010


Last night i had a dream about Magic pizza, Team rocket, and Vegetarian McDonald's.
The MTV dream. I've also had the LCG dream, (Legos Cave Ghost.) the JOC dream,
(Jack-o-lantern Octopus Caterpillar costume) the RPC dream, (Railroad President Chicken costume.)
and so on. yes, i abbreviate my dreams. why not? its an easy way to keep track of them.
you know, some people think of dreams as omens. blah. some people think of them as "windows to another world". you're kidding me, right?
Do you know what i see them as? My own personal Amusement park!
Dreams are little worlds with little stories, that our brains recreate every night to either
Let us have fun, or scare us out of our wits. (like, i had this one dream, about a shark lady, who kept coming back no matter what we did to lose her!) some people just fall asleep, and wake up, without ever thinking about their dream. but me? i look forward to dreaming! its the highlight of my night! remember i told you before about what other people think about dreams? (line 6.)
well, (and no offense.) people like that should stop getting all deep about it, get their heads into the clouds, and enjoy it before they wake up! i'm not saying that dreams can't be important, (a dream sparked the idea for one of my favorite self-written books! the LDS dream.) i'm just saying that they can be a heck of a lot more fun if they're seen as something fun, not omens and everything-else-i-said-before. and with that, i go back to watching Aladdin 3. (its a good movie, and you can find it on youtube too!)

1 comment:

Lucy said...

i can sometimes control what happens in my dreams