Saturday, February 13, 2010


Last night i had a dream about Magic pizza, Team rocket, and Vegetarian McDonald's.
The MTV dream. I've also had the LCG dream, (Legos Cave Ghost.) the JOC dream,
(Jack-o-lantern Octopus Caterpillar costume) the RPC dream, (Railroad President Chicken costume.)
and so on. yes, i abbreviate my dreams. why not? its an easy way to keep track of them.
you know, some people think of dreams as omens. blah. some people think of them as "windows to another world". you're kidding me, right?
Do you know what i see them as? My own personal Amusement park!
Dreams are little worlds with little stories, that our brains recreate every night to either
Let us have fun, or scare us out of our wits. (like, i had this one dream, about a shark lady, who kept coming back no matter what we did to lose her!) some people just fall asleep, and wake up, without ever thinking about their dream. but me? i look forward to dreaming! its the highlight of my night! remember i told you before about what other people think about dreams? (line 6.)
well, (and no offense.) people like that should stop getting all deep about it, get their heads into the clouds, and enjoy it before they wake up! i'm not saying that dreams can't be important, (a dream sparked the idea for one of my favorite self-written books! the LDS dream.) i'm just saying that they can be a heck of a lot more fun if they're seen as something fun, not omens and everything-else-i-said-before. and with that, i go back to watching Aladdin 3. (its a good movie, and you can find it on youtube too!)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i hate my mom right now. i was playing with my duct tape sword and she told me to go in the back room with it. and then, AS i was going, she pulled the sword out of my hands, and threw it into the backroom, forbidding me to play with it.
adults are so clueless sometimes. :(

Monday, February 8, 2010

A little Zoologist.

Hi everyone! here's the deal:
my 7 year old brother has decided to become a zoologist, and i would like to ask all the people out there who read my blog if they could leave some comments about non-fictional animal books we could buy/rent for him. and if you actually know us, and want to give us some books, go ahead.
just no little kid stuff, such as "where frogs come from" which i found in our bookshelf a little bit ago. (like fifteen minutes, actually.) thanks to everyone who shares knowledge and books with us,
and remember, you could be helping to build my brothers career in zoology. he really knows his stuff! for instance, does anyone else out there know what Cephalopods and Crocodilians Are?
huh? if you do, than i bet you didn't know that you can milk a cobra! yea, thats right, stumped you there, didn't i? (these facts provided by my brother, who IS as smart as i made him sound.)

Friday, February 5, 2010


okay, this is a REALLY WEIRD true story, told by my mom.
ok, so theres a video (of unknown location.) of my grandma and grandpa on vacation in Hawaii.
it starts out as a normal home video, but then, ( and i'm not embellishing, people!)
a monkey comes up and grabs the camera! and then you see the sky, and then the ground, and then a close up of my grandpa's Nose! i haven't actually seen the video, but mothers don't lie, Right?

Another poem. (by me!)

Listen for winter,
Cool snow flies
Cloudy symphony singing.
Gentle winter goddess,
Dancing in light blue skys.
Temperature low spirits high,
Little snowy faeries singing,
Blessings of one last snowstorm.
A blanket of white,
Come overnight,
Just in time for the end of winter,
The big finale comes.
I am overjoyed.

Princess Butterfly and the Mushroom King.

It was May 14th 2009, when Princess butterfly and the mushroom king decided to get married.

It was under a beautiful Crescent moon,

In the middle of the safety circle. (seen on the map.) Unfortunately, Just as the mushroom king had finished proposing, Abigail, head of the royal council showed up. “princess! No!” she said while running up, “you know full well the mushroom king is a murderer!” “but there’s no proof!” the princess said. “nevertheless, I have to get you back to your Castle.” And then, she dragged Princess butterfly back to her castle, shooting The mushroom king mean looks all the while. When Abigail got back to the eagle palace,

She told me (Queen eagle is my name.) of her “rescue.” Both me AND princess Butterfly Know that The mushroom king is a nice guy, but according to Abigail, its guilty until proven innocent. And no one can change her mind, not even me. I decided I would sleep on it.

that night, when even Abigail was asleep, the mushroom king snuck into butterfly’s castle,

and invited her to his palace. Of course she said yes, and their night was filled with food, drink, and Twister. But their laughs woke Abigail,

Who immediately ran to the Mushroom palace, and found them with their right arms on red, their left arms on green, and both legs on yellow. She immediately dragged Butterfly off to her palace, and king mushroom to the dungeon. As Abigail locked the cell, The mushroom king couldn’t help thinking, “what is with her?”

And he actually had a point, if I do say so myself. That day as Abigail told me of her Second “rescue” I decided enough was enough.

I went over to princess butterfly’s castle, and together, we devised a plan. But we would wait until nighttime, to put it into action.

That night, I snuck out with butterfly to free the mushroom king.

After much pounding of the bars with a hammer, ( for only Abigail held the keys.) we managed to free him. I took them over to a clover hill in the park, where we would begin the ceremony. Of course though, our shuffling woke up Abigail, (who, as you may have noticed, is a VERY light sleeper.) And as I began to marry them, the palace gaurds showed up! And so, I was forced to do the ceremony while fighting them off. “princess butterfly!” I socked someone in the stomach. “do you vow to stay with mushroom king, in sickness and health?”

“I do!” she said, obviously excited. “Mushroom king!” I kicked someone in the shin. “do you vow to stay with butterfly,” I ducked. “Through rich and poor?” he hesitated, and then said, “I do.”

And they kissed just as the sun rose. J


I don’t really need to say it: they all lived happily ever after! Butterfly and The mushroom king love to have picnics on that hill of clovers, in honor of their wedding night. And they still love the game twister. Abigail continues to compulsively guard Svendoolia, but she’s been a little choosier about threats since then.

And I love to drop by the mushroom palace (where they usually are these days.) for little visits. In short, everything was just peachy. Until the next adventure of course. ;)

A fairytale fanfic!

Sleepwalking beauty.

(a fairytale fanfic.)

One day, in the beautiful kingdom of Ogden,

A princess was born. She was beautiful, and her name was Pansy.

She only had one imperfection: a small wrinkle above her eyebrow.

But other than that, she was a perfectly good daughter, and the king and queen

Decided to throw a party for her. They invited all the fairies in the kingdom, and a couple of old friends as well. They even invited the old hag fairy who lived on crooked lane, just to be nice.

Near the end of the party, everyone gave their gifts. From the rose fairy, came a beautiful flower in a pot, that would never die.

From the rainbow fairy, came a wonderful set of clothing that shimmered in the light.

This went on until the old hag fairy came over.

She seemed angry. “there was nothing I could eat at the snack table!”

She said. “it all had wheat! I thought you knew I was allergic to wheat! For this I will punish you!”

She waved her wand at the princess. “ on her 10th birthday, she will fall into a deep, deep, sleep. And only one thing can wake her! Of course, I’m not telling you what.”

And she disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Or, she almost did. When the smoke cleared she was still there, coughing, and fanning the smoke away. “so much for a dramatic exit.” She said, and walked out the door. The king and queen were devastated. But then the water fairy came up.

“wait!” she said “I haven’t given my gift yet!” and she presented the king and queen with a bathtub. “just keep it full, and everything will turn out just fine.” And with those words, she walked out. Ten years later, on her tenth birthday, Pansy cut the cake. When she took a bite, she dropped to the floor, sleeping. The king and queen had forgotten about the curse, so they started trying to wake her up. Then they remembered, and started to cry. All they could do was put her in her bed, and hope for something to happen.

five years later, the king had an idea. he reminded his wife about the story of sleeping beauty.

“don’t you remember?” he said. “she woke with the kiss of a prince!” so they sent for a prince from the nearest kingdom. When the prince came, he was excited. He walked into pansy’s room. But as he was leaning in to kiss her, Pansy sat up, knocking him on the jaw. At first the king and queen thought she was awake, but the queen looked at her and groaned. She was sleepwalking. She walked into the hall, and into the bathroom. She kept walking, and finally stumbled into the bathtub. She fell in with a splash, and stood up sputtering and coughing.

“what?” she said, her face full of surprise. “is the party over already?” the king and queen ran to hug her, and started explaining the whole story, through tears of joy.

Pansy walked to her room, and put on dry clothes. Then she went down to the kitchen, to get a little something.

The next morning, the old hag fairy woke up to the door bell ringing.

She stumbled up, still sleepy. When she opened the door, she saw a package, with a tag saying, ‘from princess pansy.’ She opened the package, and took a look. “bread!” she yelled. “how many times do a have to tell those people! I can’t eat…” she trailed off. There was another tag next to the bread. This one said: ‘this bread is made wheat free, by the castle chefs.’ The fairy smiled. As she feasted on the bread, she said to herself; “maybe I was a little harsh on the poor dear.”

And for the first time in quite a while, was happy.

The End

A poem (from the book of shel silverstien)


Math is a bore,

History’s lame,

Music’s a chore.

Dancing’s a pain,


Hate it.

Botany too.

I really don’t like it,

Believe me you.

Science is terrible,

English the worst,

Computers I hate,

Physics a curse,

Gym makes me feel like yelling,

Well, at least I’m good at speling.

If you don’t think its funny, look closely at the word “spelling”

A heroic act for July. ( more stories coming!)

Chapter 1: grumpy grumpy grumpy.

July woke up. “I’m grumpy.” She said to herself.
The therapy hadn’t stuck.
She stomped down the stairs.
“good morning sunshine!” Cinnamon said. “care for some cereal?”
She showed her the bowl. July grabbed it out of her hands, spilling milk on the floor in the process. “I’m grumpy.” She said. “well I can see that!” said Cinnamon. “now, can you clean off the table for me? It’s a mess, and we have to eat breakfast soon.” July scowled. Sometimes she thought Cinnamon was worse than a P&P.
That’s Pretty And Pink. “I’M NOT CLEANING NO STUPID TABLE!” Cinnamon looked Surprised at her, than angry. “get out of this house!” she said. “I don’t care where you go, just DON’T come back until you stop acting like that! Some of us are younger than others you know, and shouldn’t be learning thins like THAT attitude.” July looked at her friend Spot, He was at least six years old, and July knew he shouldn’t have heard her tantrum,
But she didn’t want to admit it. “fine!” she said, and stomped out the door. She went over to her friend Sarah’s house, about ten blocks away from hers. After about an hour, they were listening to music when they saw a bright light. They looked out the window and saw flames! Sarah said, “hey, it looks like It’s coming from your house!” but July was already rushing out the door.
When she got to her house, it was in flames! “How did this happen!” she shouted. “there was a gas leak in the stove while I cooked breakfast! I had taken the fire alarms out like I always do while I cook so the engine didn’t come!” July looked at everyone. “wait a minute.” She said. “where’s Spot?” Cinnamon pointed to their house. July gasped. Without thinking, she ran in! she searched and searched through the collapsing house, the intense heat almost melting her! Then she heard whimpering. It was coming from upstairs! She ran up, avoiding flying sparks, and collapsed beams. She found Spot hiding under the bed. “lets go!” she shouted. Spot was about to run through the door, but July stopped him. “safety first.” She said. She felt the door. She pulled her hand away quickly. She hadn’t even touched the doorknob, yet she was Noticeably burned! “we can’t get out that way! She said. Then she heard shouting! She could see out the window, that Cinnamon had called the fire department, and they were down on the ground, holding a trampoline! “out the window!” she shouted to Spot. He jumped out first, landing perfectly on the trampoline. July hesitated. The firemen were shouting for her to jump, but she couldn’t hear a thing. Suddenly, she snapped into her senses, as the ceiling started to collapse!
She took a deep breath, and jumped!
She missed the trampoline.

Chapter two: in the hospital.

Cinnamon went in. there was July, laying in the hospital bed. “hello?” she said. July turned away. “don’t look at me.” “I’ll look at you if I want to!” Cinnamon said. “you were very brave July.” July looked at her. “when you ran into that building just to save Spot, all I could think was, ‘that can’t be July.’” “that’s what I was thinking too.” July said. “how’s Spot?” she said, worried for the charming six year old. “he’s being treated for his burns right now. They’re only second degree, and nothing as bad as…” she gestured to July’s casts. “the house is destroyed, but it can be rebuilt.” She said. “Spot, now he’s something you can’t replace. Oh, and he sent you this;” she showed July a card. July couldn’t hold it because of the casts, but she could still read despite an eye patch on her left eye. DEAR JULY it said in childish writing. THANK YOU FOR RESCUING ME. LOVE SPOT. Under that, it had a drawing of him and July, holding hands. It wasn’t exactly the best art in the world, but to July right now, it belonged in a museum.
“you were very brave July.” Cinnamon said again, smiling.
July smiled. “thanks. I’d hug you, but…” she looked up at the braces supporting her arms. They both laughed hysterically. They were best friends again. Just like old times.

The end.

Snowball war!

hi guys! today i have a great tale to tell you. (come to think of it, i should have told you this yesterday.) ok, yesterday, me, my brother, my friend lucy, and my friend Lila, (oh, and everyone else who came.) went to a park, right? and we started having a snowball fight.
but soon, a whole bunch of schoolkids came up, and it turned into an all-out snowball WAR!
it was everyone against a grownup whose name escapes me. (that day i was calling everyone Melvin to be funny. :P) it was REALLY fun! anyway, thats all i wanted to say. bye!

On top of the beeed...

who wants to hear a song i came up with? (sung to the tune of "on top of spaghetti")

On top of the beeed, my bro cut the cheeese, he has lots of praaactiiice, so it came with eeease.
it seeped off the maaattreeess, and onto the flooor, and then my poor nooostriiils,
they both were no mooore.


omg i am sooooooooo boooooooooooooooored. today is one of those days where we sit home,
and do ab-so-lutley nothing. it is soooooooooooo booooooooooooooring.
does anyone have any ideas of shows i could watch? i have to watch them online so, unfortunately, it would probably have to be reruns. sigh.
this is one of the downsides of being a tiger. (see: "cool facts about me".)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


OMG! i just figured out who "pen name honalei" is! (i think thats how you spell it.)
sorry i haven't been reading your comments! :( (psst! go ahead and advertise me on your blog, if you want to. thanks for offering!)
anyway, i read all your comments, and i thought they were great! all you guys are really nice. it's good to know there's actually someone reading my blog besides my mom and my grandma, you know? otherwise it's just an online diary. too private for my taste. once again, i'm really sorry i haven't been reading your comments!
there was a comment block on my blog that was keeping the comments from being posted.
thanks to all of you who read this blog! you've been reading this (or at least i've been posting it!) for two years! 2 YEARS PPL! well, it's getting close to bedtime, so i'd better go. Bye! ;-) ^-^


Yay! i just found out that people HAVE been commenting, it just hasn't been getting through! yay! i can't wait to read all of them! i'll tell you what i think as soon as i'm done, too.

What i want to do in life!

I want to have adventures! I want to be a secret agent,
And spy on the enemy! I want to go on a jungle safari, and hand-feed a tiger raw meat! I want to fall off a trapeze in the circus, and hear the crowd gasp, just before I land on the tightrope in a perfect single-hand-stand! and juggle with the clowns as the other performers get ready.
I want to climb mount Everest, ( ever notice how that looks like Ever-rest?) and smell the fresh mountain air! I want to swim with the dolphins, and feel their smooth rubbery skin!
I want to travel to India, so I can rub elbows with a rajah,
And shake hands with a fakir! I want to be a snake charmer, and watch a deadly cobra rise out of my basket, completely mesmerized by my music. I want to bungee jump off a cliff, and hear my heart pounding, and see my life racing in front of my eyes, just before the rope reaches its limit inches above the ground, and I spring waaaay back up onto the platform! I want to climb the tallest redwood tree, and see the birds and the clouds around me when I reach the top! I want to fight with a karate master, and make sure everyone sees my smile when I win!
I want to scuba dive waaaay under the sea, and see the great barrier reef, and all the fish inside! i want to go to Australia, and play a didgeridoo!
i want to learn gymnastics and acrobatics, and do amazing tricks as the crowd watches in awe! I want to thwart an evil genius, with plans of taking over the world!
I want to win the Olympics, and hear the crowd cheering for me, as the star spangled banner plays on the speakers. i want to go to Hawaii, and hang ten on the perfect wave! i want to go to Tibet, and see the yeti himself!
But most of all, one of the best things I want to do in life, is
Have a pet cat of my own. :P

Monday, February 1, 2010


Well, nobody voted on the polls. again. so since they don't really seem to be serving any purpose, i'm gonna take them down for a while. does anyone even read my blog? there's been a drought of comments and poll voters since day one. oh well. :(