Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tenderized mint?

Today me and my little bro made tenderized... mint?
thats right we made tenderized mint.
we took at lease eight mints, and hit em' with a meat tenderizer.
the we took at least nine mints, put em' in a bag,
covered em' with a towel,
and hit em' with a hammer.
later in the process, we added a frozen tootsie roll ( long story. )
to the bag, and pounded that with the mint.
we came out with some yummy powder
that tasted great on tootsie rolls. ( not frozen. )
its okay to try this at home,
but don't use a meat tenderizer.
it has those pointy thingies on the end,
so it'll break the towel and/or the bag.
use a medium weight hammer instead.