Hey everybody! iv'e FINALLY gotten ratty pics!
You'll see them over to the left. <<<<
anyway, here is a personality profile on my wittle darlings. :)
First, we have Suki,
The angelic little cutie rat.
Fave cuddling place:
My armpit when I’m on my bed
Fave food:
Kale kale kale.
Pet peeve:
People who don’t devote themselves
To giving her love.
What she would say if she could talk:
Gimme love, gimme love gimme love.
Biggest Problem with personality:
She can’t fight back to ANYTHING the others
Do to her.
Then Meisha.
The accident prone, mischievous, little devil.
Fave cuddling place:
My shirt.
Fave food:
Anything Suki happens to be eating
At the moment.
Pet peeve:
Closed doors.
What she would say if she could talk:
Biggest problem with personality:
She is NEVER out of trouble.
Finally phoenix.
The lazy little squishy rat.
Fave cuddling place:
The basket I hung in their cage.
Fave food:
Pet peeve:
People who pick her up when she’s sleeping.
What she would say if she could talk:
Gimme a melon now.
Biggest problem with personality: