Thursday, December 31, 2009


Happy 2010 everyone! man that year went fast...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


i know its not a holiday, but it just seems like we should be celebrating.
besides, Dec 1st means that it's only 3 weeks and 2 days til' Christmas!
oh, and i had nothing to do today. heh. we're still doing the snow ritual dingy. i think its working!
first we could see our breath, then the sky turned white, (if the sky is white, shouldn't the ground be next?) and now its getting colder! plus, it just rained. well, not JUST rained. i think it was yesterday, or maybe the day before. anyway, its perfect snow condition! the only thing missing, is snow. you know, i've noticed. there's Easter, valentines day, July 4, yadda yadda,
then, there's the big one: Christmas! and then theres all the other things that come in december too! theres Hanukkah, Kwanza, and probably a whole bunch of other things i don't know about.
heh. i'll find out why after dinner. can't ponder on an empty stomach!

Yours truly;
Check out;
you'll love it!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Snow day rituals!

Me and my brother are tired of cold, but no snow. so we looked online, and are following these snow day rituals!:

Throwing an ice cube behind you and into the toilet.

running around a table 5 times.

placing spoons under you pillow.

wearing PJ's inside out and backwards.

listening to christmas music.

throwing an ice cube at a tree.

chanting; i want it to snow, i want it to snow,...

shouting; SNOW DAY! into the freezer.

making multiple paper snow flakes.

Throwing the snow flakes in the air while saying the chant.

giving the snow flakes to any and all pets in the house.

meditating upon snowy and christmas-y thoughts.

putting your underwear in the freezer.

eating snow cones.

Clicking your heels together and saying; theres nothing like snow.

throwing water on someones doorstep. (with their permission, of course.)

Chanting the snow chant, (seen waaaaayy above.) while flailing your arms about and dancing.

doing your homework.

sending a snowy poem through E-mail, and asking your friends and family to forward it, and add their own poems.

sprinkling ground up ice on the trees on your area.

throwing ice cubes in a lake.

watching christmas movies.

and writing things like this on your blog!

continue to follow these rituals every day until it snows, and ask your friends to as well!
hope this helps to make your snowy dreams come true!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


my blog is totally outdated, i know. anyway there's not much to say.
except for the fact that...
I JUST TURNED 11! well, i turned eleven last month, but still! EEEEEE!!!!!!!
oh, and, my dad got Petz5 back on my computer! once again: EEEEEE!!!!!!!
i wonder why we girls do that...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tenderized mint?

Today me and my little bro made tenderized... mint?
thats right we made tenderized mint.
we took at lease eight mints, and hit em' with a meat tenderizer.
the we took at least nine mints, put em' in a bag,
covered em' with a towel,
and hit em' with a hammer.
later in the process, we added a frozen tootsie roll ( long story. )
to the bag, and pounded that with the mint.
we came out with some yummy powder
that tasted great on tootsie rolls. ( not frozen. )
its okay to try this at home,
but don't use a meat tenderizer.
it has those pointy thingies on the end,
so it'll break the towel and/or the bag.
use a medium weight hammer instead.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Family pics.

Here are a couple of rat pics for ya!

Adorable i know. i call eet: Single file ratties! :
iiiiits bird time! intoducing: angel!

Here are the pics of my family.
thats me.

Here's owen, (right) and mom. (left)

Here's owen on top of dad. (ha!)

Glasses pics

If you'll look to the left, <<<<< you'll see i FINALLY put up that pic
u all wanted!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hey everybody! iv'e FINALLY gotten ratty pics!
You'll see them over to the left. <<<<
anyway, here is a personality profile on my wittle darlings. :)

First, we have Suki,
The angelic little cutie rat.

Fave cuddling place:

My armpit when I’m on my bed

Fave food:

Kale kale kale.

Pet peeve:

People who don’t devote themselves
To giving her love.

What she would say if she could talk:
Gimme love, gimme love gimme love.

Biggest Problem with personality:

She can’t fight back to ANYTHING the others
Do to her.

Then Meisha.
The accident prone, mischievous, little devil.

Fave cuddling place:

My shirt.

Fave food:

Anything Suki happens to be eating
At the moment.

Pet peeve:

Closed doors.

What she would say if she could talk:


Biggest problem with personality:

She is NEVER out of trouble.

Finally phoenix.
The lazy little squishy rat.

Fave cuddling place:

The basket I hung in their cage.

Fave food:


Pet peeve:

People who pick her up when she’s sleeping.

What she would say if she could talk:

Gimme a melon now.

Biggest problem with personality:

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Heydee hidee hodee! anyway.
before you read the rest of this, take a good long look at the title.
got it? good.
because the whole point of this post,
is for me to tell you, just WHAT a Play/Party/Sleepover is, and how i came to be invited to one!
any way, a Play/Party/Sleepover, is when you see a play, go to a party, then have a sleepover.
now, (sit down if you arent already. this might take a while.)
First of all, i am going to see a play with my grandmother today. but, my friend lucy's birthday party, happens to be on the same day. (her real birthday was yesterday. she's ten now!)
so, we managed to squeeze them both in. and THEN mom said we could have a sleepover. well of COURSE i said yes!
anyway, thats how i came to have a name-to-long-to-type-again.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hey guys! well i guess the title gives it all away huh?
I got me a class on tae-kwon-doe! (by the way, i have NO idea if i spelled "tae-kwon-doe" right. plz tell me if i didn't!)
i made a really nice friend called Sophia. (she's a white belt too, we met on the first day. :) )
I'm ten, she's thirteen, I'm in fourth grade, shes in eighth grade, i'm unschooled, she goes to school, but hey. we make a nice pair! (granted she can play a little rough sometimes.)
at first, classes were pretty easy. the master is pretty nice, and he always tells us if we're doing something wrong. but today, oh man. three laps round the gym, then jumping jacks, three laps,
then push-ups, three laps then squats. then the basic, i-can't-remember's: High block, high block, middle block, middle block, low block, low block, punch.
then, belt by belt, lowest to highest, we had to start doing jumping jacks, and all that other stuff, until the other belts were done. (i don't know why, but the white belts had it harder. WE started first, and ended at the same time.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Glasses ( 2 )

I know you're all waiting for the pics right? well...
While you're waiting i guess i can describe them. ;)
They're glasses that have no frame underneath,
With a nice black frame that has a nice purple shine.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


HEY EVERYONE! guess what guess what guess whaaaat?
I GOT GLASSES! kool! ill be posting pics soon.