Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My B-day!

Hey everybody!
guess what day it is? Wednesday October 8th, right?
well guess what?
today i turn 10 and finally. FINALLY! i am double digits. uh huh
count em, two numbers in that little pretty.
it also means i'm a decade old. yay! and finally
it also means that i Bridget am an official Preteen!
thats right only three years until i'm thirteen.
today, i woke up and there was a giant butterfly in my room
at first i was surprised but then i looked closer and
(whew) it was just a balloon. i got out of bed and looked at it.
(as i'm writing this its hovering over me tied to my chair)
at the bottom i found that the balloon weight was a miniature teddy bear
with a sweater that said "Happy Birthday!" awwww, how cute.
i went downstairs and my mom greeted me with "Happy birthday!"
then Owen and mom went to the garage (which for as long as i can remember
is my dads shop. he's a woodworker.) and came up with a rat made out of soap.
its tail was rope and it had no ears, but still, Cute! then i went on webkinz and guess what? they know its my birthday! as soon as i logged on i was greeted by a letter saying "Happy Birthday! here is a wish token."
and then a gift from my friend Colleen who also plays webkinz,
it was a clown bunny. how cute!
then since i had money to burn i went on a shopping spree, to decorate my webkinz room. and oh does it look great now! theres a hardwood floor, a periwinkle spotted wall, flowers and trees everywhere, and a little bedside table that has a vase full
of roses on it.
then i decided to write in my blog so here i am writing this post.
then we went out to talor park. i brought my new roller blades, owen brought
a scooter, and mom just walked.
we decided to explore the park. first we got to a little hill in the road and we went down it with our vehicles. then we reached the gazebo. we saw a stray cat!
poor thing. then we went up a hill. i held on to moms sleeve on the way down but owen decided not to. he speeded down then crashed at the landing. which caused a few tears. then we went to the bridge and looked at the river. after that, mom decided
to use owens scooter. she got off soon. *snicker*
then i tried a little experiment. i held on to moms arm and closed my eyes, letting her lead the way. after that we went to stop and shop, to pick out candy,
i got some bazooka gum and mini charelston chews, and owen got licorice bits
and mini charelston chews and we got a bowl of m&m's to share, and now here i am writing the end of this post. Bye!