My Name is Bridget, and this is my blog. You're not going to find anything too specific about hobbies or anything here. I just write whatever pops into my head. I treat this like a public journal, you know? So go ahead, read about my life, leave a comment, whatever.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
O.K listen up. a couple of months ago i pierced my ears right?
here, is an updated pic of me, (the last one was who KNOWS how long ago.)
wearing my new fave pair of earrings!
(which i'm thinking of wearing on our annual christmas eve party!)
hope u like em!
here, is an updated pic of me, (the last one was who KNOWS how long ago.)
wearing my new fave pair of earrings!
(which i'm thinking of wearing on our annual christmas eve party!)
hope u like em!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
New story!
hey ppl. just so u know, guess who is a superhero name.
The adventures of,
The super pals
“I think not!”
One dark night, when everyone was
Asleep, a dark shadowy figure crept over
Sticko’s bed, as it slowly enveloped her, in darkness.
Capital B, woke up one morning,
To a funny noise outside,
When she looked out the window,
She beheld the strangest sight.
Down on the sidewalk,
Sticko had knocked over Capital B’s garbage can,
And was rooting through it like a pig!
Capital B, couldn’t help but laugh.
She let out one big bellow,
That made Sticko jump.
Capital B yelled down.
“hey Sticko! Where’s the farm! Oink! Oink!”
“what?” said Sticko, looking from the garbage, to Capital B.
She walked away.
“Huh,” said Capital B. “must be a full moon.”
Back at the HQ…
Capital B was still baffled
By what happened in the morning.
She looked at Sticko.
“ why are you looking at me like that?”
Sticko said.
Capital B looked closer.
“have you eaten anything strange lately?
You know. Imported? Rotten?”
“I had eggs and bacon for breakfast,”
Sticko said.
“now go away!”
Said Mr. Slippery
“whats with all this”
Capital B said,
“this morning I saw Sticko rooting through my garbage like a pig.”
“that CANT be true. Is it Sticko?”
“no” said Sticko,
“I don’t remember anything like that.”
Said Mr. Slippery,
“you’re probably making it up to humiliate Sticko!”
But just as he finished saying that,
He saw that Sticko had crawled onto the ground, and was now sticking out her tongue, trying to eat a fly.
“okay” said Mr. Slippery
With a baffled look on his face.
“I believe you.”
Guess who yelled,
Guess who picked her up, running toward the HQ nurse office.
Sticko proved too heavy, and guess who collapsed.
By this time Sticko had stopped being
A frog, and looked baffled at guess who.
“what are you doing under me?”
Sticko said.
“and more importantly, what am I doing on top of YOU?”
“you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Said guess who, with a weary look on his face.
They got up, and guess who decided to walk to the nurse office.
Where Super mischief girl was the nurse.
“what the? how the?”
Guess who said, looking from super mischief girl, to Capital B.
(everyone knows super mischief girl and Capital B are the same person.)
“oh, never mind. Listen mg. Sticko here has been acting real crazy as of late, so I need you to examine her.”
“sure thing, said super mischief girl, looking into Sticko’s ear.
“you know,” said mg,
“I had a friend once who…”
Guess who interrupted.
“I want a checkup. Not a story.”
“okay okay.”
After the check up, super mischief girl said, “welp, I can’t find anything wrong, exept it looks like she forgot to use a Q-tip this morning. There’s a treasure trove
Of wax in her right ear.”
They went back to the sitting room.
“hmm” said Capital B when they got there. She pulled a dog toy out of her pocket.
Instantly, Sticko started barking,
And reaching for the toy.
At this moment, super mischief girl walked in. “I knew you said crazy, but I didn’t expect this!!” “well” said Capital B “lets get back to our houses.”
While driving home, Capital B
Saw a stranger sight than that morning.
Sticko, her buddy, was robbing a bank.
Capital B was so shocked. Her friend, a HERO, robbing, a bank.
She jumped out of the car and took of her belt,
Using it as a lasso, she roped Sticko
Before she could do any harm.
She put her in her car and drove her to the HQ.
Back at the HQ…
Capital B rushed Sticko to Mr. Microphone.
Bursting in through the door she
“Houston, we have a problem!”
“what?” said Mr. Microphone.
Capital B
Lay Sticko (who had since passed out from the tension of the incident.) down on the examination
She told Mr. Microphone
Everything about Sticko’s strange behavior.
After the explanation,
Mr. Microphone said,
“okay, I’ll run some tests.”
He ran her under an X-ray machine while looking at a screen.
He said.
“Oh dear.”
“What? What?”
Said Capital B.
“well, it seems one of our little villain
Friends, Has implanted a mind control
Substance in her brain.”
“Uh Ohh.”
Said Capital B.
“ooh ooh, lemme guess, it was dremlin.
Dr. notches isn’t smart enough.”
“on the contrary” Mr. microphone said.
“this substance has Dr. notches signature on it.” “wow, I didn’t know
He had it in em.”
Mr. Microphone said.
“we have to get it out of her before it infects her entire body. And my Guess is, Dr. notches is the only one who has the antidote. You better call in all the heroes.
This ain’t gonna be easy.”
Capital B called in all the supers.
Together they tracked down Dr. notches new lair. “whoa” said the heroes in unison. Because they were staring up,
At something that might be the most evil lair ever. They started forward.
“wait!” said Spy girl.
She put on her scanning glasses.
“hmm” she said, scanning the tower.
“there are three alarm systems,
Three traps, and one force field around Dr. notches himself.”
“plus” she said taking off the glasses. “Dr. notches is at the very top.”
“this” said Guess who,
“is gonna be harder than I thought.”
“who knew Dr. notches was this smart.”
Said Capital B.
“its not him.” Said spy girl.
“in my scan I picked up some, machine. It’s making him smarter, and more evil.”
“huh. For a second there I thought he might actually have a brain.”
“there’s more,”
Spy girl said.
“the machine has DREMLINS signature on it. I assume they’re working together.”
Said guess who.
“this is gonna be a LOT harder than I thought.”
They started to move toward the building.
When they got to the door spy girl put her scanning glasses on.
“there’s an alarm system on the other side of the entrance.”
Guess who began to say something
But spy girl cut him off.
“no we can’t. it’s indestructible.”
Said Mr. slippery.
“why don’t we climb?
“normally I would say “good idea!” but in this case, I forgot my grappler.”
Said Capital B.
She undid her friendship Belt, and lengthened it. Then, she made it into a lasso, and hooked it to the top of the building. She climbed to the location of the alarm, and put a chip in. she climbed down.
“It can’t be destroyed, but it CAN be shut down.”
“nice one.” Said spy girl.
After spy girl fiddled with the lock a bit, they got in.
Everyone said in unison (again)
The inside
of notches dastardly fortress was practically INVESTED with gears, springs, and other things.
And as luck would have it, the next step sent them straight into a trap.
They were suspended above a pool of hungry alligators.
“deja vu.” Said Mr. slippery.
Spy girl got out a mini laser, and fried
The bars to extinction.
Everyone got out, careful to jump over the snapping alligators.
They walked for awhile until they came to another door, with another alarm.
They looked at the alarm. It looked strangely like… “MR. MUFFLES!”
Everyone shouted in unison.
Capital B picked Mr. muffles off the wall.
Mr. muffles went, “BEEP! BEE…”
Before he could beep a second time, Capital B covered his mouth.
“I thought one of the alarm systems looked funny!” said spy girl.
“what the hey were you doing on the wall?”
Said Capital B.
Mr. muffles pushed her hand away,
Then said,
“I being a alarm fer mah boss! Yessir!
Ah gotsa guard de fortress dingy.”
Capital B smiled at the others
“well” she said
“we bring orders from your boss!”
Mr. muffles clapped his hands.
“what say? What Say?”
“He said”
Said Capital B.
“to tell you, that the best way to be an alarm, is to be quiet, and tell us
How to get past the next trap!”
“yay!” Mr. muffles said.
“to get past de next tap, you gotta
Not step on red tiles. Dey baaad.”
“okay!” said Capital B
“I’m sure the “master” will be VERY pleased!”
They headed on through the door.
But just when Capital B took the first step, Mr. muffles called out,
“oh! An watch out fer de geen ones Too!”
They looked down.
The step Capital B just took, was green.
Instantly they were suspended
Above a pit of dream monsters
Said Mr. slippery.
“déjà vu”
Spy girl used her lasers again, and they all got out safely.
But when they got out, they were face to face with a big mean growling dog.
“stay back!”
Said Capital B.
She walked toward the dog.
She touched it. Instantly the dog calmed down. And they got past him quickly.
The next door, was the door, to Dr. notches himself. It was glowing with purple, and an evil laugh,
Was going on from the other side.
They walked in.
Said spy girl.
“you’d think there’d be an alarm
At this point.”
Came an evil voice from the chair in front of them. The figure stepped into the light.
“there was, I assure you. I turned it off,
So this would be more fun.”
“what have you done with Sticko!”
Shouted Capital B.
“oh she’s right here,”
Notches pulled his chair to the right.
Revealing something that used to be
Sticko was dressed all in black.
And much like notches,
She too, had an evil look on her face.
Capital B stared at Sticko in disbelief.
Said notches
He pulled a lever. They were all suspended in a cage
With no lock (or door for that matter)
Above a pit of hungry anacondas.
Spy girl got out her mini laser.
She tried it over and over again.
But it was no use!
“silly girl.”
Said Dr. notches
“the bars are COMPLETELY
Everybody had given up hope.
Just then, capital B had an idea!
She started whistling.
“what are you doing?”
Yelled Dr. notches,
“calling a friend!”
Instantly, the dog from the last trap
Bounded in the door.
Everyone ( but Sticko and Notches.)
“sick em!”
They said in unison.
The dog bounded over and pulled the switch to let them loose.
Once free, everyone ran over, and broke the machine.
Shouted Dr. notches.
There was a bright void of light.
When everyone could see,
Both notches, and Sticko,
Were unconscious.
They had also returned to themselves.
Dr. notches was once again
Wearing his PJs.
And Sticko was wearing her costume.
When they returned to HQ,
Everyone told Sticko what had happened
She was perplexed.
She said,
“I did all that stuff, and I didn’t even know? I feel terrible.”
“its alright.”
Said Capital B.
“no matter what happens, you’re still my
The End.
The super pals
“I think not!”
One dark night, when everyone was
Asleep, a dark shadowy figure crept over
Sticko’s bed, as it slowly enveloped her, in darkness.
Capital B, woke up one morning,
To a funny noise outside,
When she looked out the window,
She beheld the strangest sight.
Down on the sidewalk,
Sticko had knocked over Capital B’s garbage can,
And was rooting through it like a pig!
Capital B, couldn’t help but laugh.
She let out one big bellow,
That made Sticko jump.
Capital B yelled down.
“hey Sticko! Where’s the farm! Oink! Oink!”
“what?” said Sticko, looking from the garbage, to Capital B.
She walked away.
“Huh,” said Capital B. “must be a full moon.”
Back at the HQ…
Capital B was still baffled
By what happened in the morning.
She looked at Sticko.
“ why are you looking at me like that?”
Sticko said.
Capital B looked closer.
“have you eaten anything strange lately?
You know. Imported? Rotten?”
“I had eggs and bacon for breakfast,”
Sticko said.
“now go away!”
Said Mr. Slippery
“whats with all this”
Capital B said,
“this morning I saw Sticko rooting through my garbage like a pig.”
“that CANT be true. Is it Sticko?”
“no” said Sticko,
“I don’t remember anything like that.”
Said Mr. Slippery,
“you’re probably making it up to humiliate Sticko!”
But just as he finished saying that,
He saw that Sticko had crawled onto the ground, and was now sticking out her tongue, trying to eat a fly.
“okay” said Mr. Slippery
With a baffled look on his face.
“I believe you.”
Guess who yelled,
Guess who picked her up, running toward the HQ nurse office.
Sticko proved too heavy, and guess who collapsed.
By this time Sticko had stopped being
A frog, and looked baffled at guess who.
“what are you doing under me?”
Sticko said.
“and more importantly, what am I doing on top of YOU?”
“you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Said guess who, with a weary look on his face.
They got up, and guess who decided to walk to the nurse office.
Where Super mischief girl was the nurse.
“what the? how the?”
Guess who said, looking from super mischief girl, to Capital B.
(everyone knows super mischief girl and Capital B are the same person.)
“oh, never mind. Listen mg. Sticko here has been acting real crazy as of late, so I need you to examine her.”
“sure thing, said super mischief girl, looking into Sticko’s ear.
“you know,” said mg,
“I had a friend once who…”
Guess who interrupted.
“I want a checkup. Not a story.”
“okay okay.”
After the check up, super mischief girl said, “welp, I can’t find anything wrong, exept it looks like she forgot to use a Q-tip this morning. There’s a treasure trove
Of wax in her right ear.”
They went back to the sitting room.
“hmm” said Capital B when they got there. She pulled a dog toy out of her pocket.
Instantly, Sticko started barking,
And reaching for the toy.
At this moment, super mischief girl walked in. “I knew you said crazy, but I didn’t expect this!!” “well” said Capital B “lets get back to our houses.”
While driving home, Capital B
Saw a stranger sight than that morning.
Sticko, her buddy, was robbing a bank.
Capital B was so shocked. Her friend, a HERO, robbing, a bank.
She jumped out of the car and took of her belt,
Using it as a lasso, she roped Sticko
Before she could do any harm.
She put her in her car and drove her to the HQ.
Back at the HQ…
Capital B rushed Sticko to Mr. Microphone.
Bursting in through the door she
“Houston, we have a problem!”
“what?” said Mr. Microphone.
Capital B
Lay Sticko (who had since passed out from the tension of the incident.) down on the examination
She told Mr. Microphone
Everything about Sticko’s strange behavior.
After the explanation,
Mr. Microphone said,
“okay, I’ll run some tests.”
He ran her under an X-ray machine while looking at a screen.
He said.
“Oh dear.”
“What? What?”
Said Capital B.
“well, it seems one of our little villain
Friends, Has implanted a mind control
Substance in her brain.”
“Uh Ohh.”
Said Capital B.
“ooh ooh, lemme guess, it was dremlin.
Dr. notches isn’t smart enough.”
“on the contrary” Mr. microphone said.
“this substance has Dr. notches signature on it.” “wow, I didn’t know
He had it in em.”
Mr. Microphone said.
“we have to get it out of her before it infects her entire body. And my Guess is, Dr. notches is the only one who has the antidote. You better call in all the heroes.
This ain’t gonna be easy.”
Capital B called in all the supers.
Together they tracked down Dr. notches new lair. “whoa” said the heroes in unison. Because they were staring up,
At something that might be the most evil lair ever. They started forward.
“wait!” said Spy girl.
She put on her scanning glasses.
“hmm” she said, scanning the tower.
“there are three alarm systems,
Three traps, and one force field around Dr. notches himself.”
“plus” she said taking off the glasses. “Dr. notches is at the very top.”
“this” said Guess who,
“is gonna be harder than I thought.”
“who knew Dr. notches was this smart.”
Said Capital B.
“its not him.” Said spy girl.
“in my scan I picked up some, machine. It’s making him smarter, and more evil.”
“huh. For a second there I thought he might actually have a brain.”
“there’s more,”
Spy girl said.
“the machine has DREMLINS signature on it. I assume they’re working together.”
Said guess who.
“this is gonna be a LOT harder than I thought.”
They started to move toward the building.
When they got to the door spy girl put her scanning glasses on.
“there’s an alarm system on the other side of the entrance.”
Guess who began to say something
But spy girl cut him off.
“no we can’t. it’s indestructible.”
Said Mr. slippery.
“why don’t we climb?
“normally I would say “good idea!” but in this case, I forgot my grappler.”
Said Capital B.
She undid her friendship Belt, and lengthened it. Then, she made it into a lasso, and hooked it to the top of the building. She climbed to the location of the alarm, and put a chip in. she climbed down.
“It can’t be destroyed, but it CAN be shut down.”
“nice one.” Said spy girl.
After spy girl fiddled with the lock a bit, they got in.
Everyone said in unison (again)
The inside
of notches dastardly fortress was practically INVESTED with gears, springs, and other things.
And as luck would have it, the next step sent them straight into a trap.
They were suspended above a pool of hungry alligators.
“deja vu.” Said Mr. slippery.
Spy girl got out a mini laser, and fried
The bars to extinction.
Everyone got out, careful to jump over the snapping alligators.
They walked for awhile until they came to another door, with another alarm.
They looked at the alarm. It looked strangely like… “MR. MUFFLES!”
Everyone shouted in unison.
Capital B picked Mr. muffles off the wall.
Mr. muffles went, “BEEP! BEE…”
Before he could beep a second time, Capital B covered his mouth.
“I thought one of the alarm systems looked funny!” said spy girl.
“what the hey were you doing on the wall?”
Said Capital B.
Mr. muffles pushed her hand away,
Then said,
“I being a alarm fer mah boss! Yessir!
Ah gotsa guard de fortress dingy.”
Capital B smiled at the others
“well” she said
“we bring orders from your boss!”
Mr. muffles clapped his hands.
“what say? What Say?”
“He said”
Said Capital B.
“to tell you, that the best way to be an alarm, is to be quiet, and tell us
How to get past the next trap!”
“yay!” Mr. muffles said.
“to get past de next tap, you gotta
Not step on red tiles. Dey baaad.”
“okay!” said Capital B
“I’m sure the “master” will be VERY pleased!”
They headed on through the door.
But just when Capital B took the first step, Mr. muffles called out,
“oh! An watch out fer de geen ones Too!”
They looked down.
The step Capital B just took, was green.
Instantly they were suspended
Above a pit of dream monsters
Said Mr. slippery.
“déjà vu”
Spy girl used her lasers again, and they all got out safely.
But when they got out, they were face to face with a big mean growling dog.
“stay back!”
Said Capital B.
She walked toward the dog.
She touched it. Instantly the dog calmed down. And they got past him quickly.
The next door, was the door, to Dr. notches himself. It was glowing with purple, and an evil laugh,
Was going on from the other side.
They walked in.
Said spy girl.
“you’d think there’d be an alarm
At this point.”
Came an evil voice from the chair in front of them. The figure stepped into the light.
“there was, I assure you. I turned it off,
So this would be more fun.”
“what have you done with Sticko!”
Shouted Capital B.
“oh she’s right here,”
Notches pulled his chair to the right.
Revealing something that used to be
Sticko was dressed all in black.
And much like notches,
She too, had an evil look on her face.
Capital B stared at Sticko in disbelief.
Said notches
He pulled a lever. They were all suspended in a cage
With no lock (or door for that matter)
Above a pit of hungry anacondas.
Spy girl got out her mini laser.
She tried it over and over again.
But it was no use!
“silly girl.”
Said Dr. notches
“the bars are COMPLETELY
Everybody had given up hope.
Just then, capital B had an idea!
She started whistling.
“what are you doing?”
Yelled Dr. notches,
“calling a friend!”
Instantly, the dog from the last trap
Bounded in the door.
Everyone ( but Sticko and Notches.)
“sick em!”
They said in unison.
The dog bounded over and pulled the switch to let them loose.
Once free, everyone ran over, and broke the machine.
Shouted Dr. notches.
There was a bright void of light.
When everyone could see,
Both notches, and Sticko,
Were unconscious.
They had also returned to themselves.
Dr. notches was once again
Wearing his PJs.
And Sticko was wearing her costume.
When they returned to HQ,
Everyone told Sticko what had happened
She was perplexed.
She said,
“I did all that stuff, and I didn’t even know? I feel terrible.”
“its alright.”
Said Capital B.
“no matter what happens, you’re still my
The End.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My B-day!
Hey everybody!
guess what day it is? Wednesday October 8th, right?
well guess what?
today i turn 10 and finally. FINALLY! i am double digits. uh huh
count em, two numbers in that little pretty.
it also means i'm a decade old. yay! and finally
it also means that i Bridget am an official Preteen!
thats right only three years until i'm thirteen.
today, i woke up and there was a giant butterfly in my room
at first i was surprised but then i looked closer and
(whew) it was just a balloon. i got out of bed and looked at it.
(as i'm writing this its hovering over me tied to my chair)
at the bottom i found that the balloon weight was a miniature teddy bear
with a sweater that said "Happy Birthday!" awwww, how cute.
i went downstairs and my mom greeted me with "Happy birthday!"
then Owen and mom went to the garage (which for as long as i can remember
is my dads shop. he's a woodworker.) and came up with a rat made out of soap.
its tail was rope and it had no ears, but still, Cute! then i went on webkinz and guess what? they know its my birthday! as soon as i logged on i was greeted by a letter saying "Happy Birthday! here is a wish token."
and then a gift from my friend Colleen who also plays webkinz,
it was a clown bunny. how cute!
then since i had money to burn i went on a shopping spree, to decorate my webkinz room. and oh does it look great now! theres a hardwood floor, a periwinkle spotted wall, flowers and trees everywhere, and a little bedside table that has a vase full
of roses on it.
then i decided to write in my blog so here i am writing this post.
then we went out to talor park. i brought my new roller blades, owen brought
a scooter, and mom just walked.
we decided to explore the park. first we got to a little hill in the road and we went down it with our vehicles. then we reached the gazebo. we saw a stray cat!
poor thing. then we went up a hill. i held on to moms sleeve on the way down but owen decided not to. he speeded down then crashed at the landing. which caused a few tears. then we went to the bridge and looked at the river. after that, mom decided
to use owens scooter. she got off soon. *snicker*
then i tried a little experiment. i held on to moms arm and closed my eyes, letting her lead the way. after that we went to stop and shop, to pick out candy,
i got some bazooka gum and mini charelston chews, and owen got licorice bits
and mini charelston chews and we got a bowl of m&m's to share, and now here i am writing the end of this post. Bye!
guess what day it is? Wednesday October 8th, right?
well guess what?
today i turn 10 and finally. FINALLY! i am double digits. uh huh
count em, two numbers in that little pretty.
it also means i'm a decade old. yay! and finally
it also means that i Bridget am an official Preteen!
thats right only three years until i'm thirteen.
today, i woke up and there was a giant butterfly in my room
at first i was surprised but then i looked closer and
(whew) it was just a balloon. i got out of bed and looked at it.
(as i'm writing this its hovering over me tied to my chair)
at the bottom i found that the balloon weight was a miniature teddy bear
with a sweater that said "Happy Birthday!" awwww, how cute.
i went downstairs and my mom greeted me with "Happy birthday!"
then Owen and mom went to the garage (which for as long as i can remember
is my dads shop. he's a woodworker.) and came up with a rat made out of soap.
its tail was rope and it had no ears, but still, Cute! then i went on webkinz and guess what? they know its my birthday! as soon as i logged on i was greeted by a letter saying "Happy Birthday! here is a wish token."
and then a gift from my friend Colleen who also plays webkinz,
it was a clown bunny. how cute!
then since i had money to burn i went on a shopping spree, to decorate my webkinz room. and oh does it look great now! theres a hardwood floor, a periwinkle spotted wall, flowers and trees everywhere, and a little bedside table that has a vase full
of roses on it.
then i decided to write in my blog so here i am writing this post.
then we went out to talor park. i brought my new roller blades, owen brought
a scooter, and mom just walked.
we decided to explore the park. first we got to a little hill in the road and we went down it with our vehicles. then we reached the gazebo. we saw a stray cat!
poor thing. then we went up a hill. i held on to moms sleeve on the way down but owen decided not to. he speeded down then crashed at the landing. which caused a few tears. then we went to the bridge and looked at the river. after that, mom decided
to use owens scooter. she got off soon. *snicker*
then i tried a little experiment. i held on to moms arm and closed my eyes, letting her lead the way. after that we went to stop and shop, to pick out candy,
i got some bazooka gum and mini charelston chews, and owen got licorice bits
and mini charelston chews and we got a bowl of m&m's to share, and now here i am writing the end of this post. Bye!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hey guys! guess what? i decided to get rats. by the way check out my new video bar! (be sure to check out the top one.)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Yay! something great just happened! if you're reading this for the first time u first need to know about me. all my life I've been well' not exactly an animal fanatic. but one things for sure,
I've always loved these three words when it comes to pets.
cute. small. furry. so i sent out to get something like that for my own.
a puppy. a kitten. unfortunately my mom is allergic to cats. plus we have money problems and can't afford a dog. (i don't get it cause before we had both!). hamsters are cute. so are their cousins, guinea pigs and gerbils. but my moms allergic to them too. parrots aren't exactly furry, or small for that matter. but they are SO COOL! i mean, come on. who dos'ent want a pet that speaks English? and look at all the species! my mom isn't allergic to birds, or my dad, and parrots are cheaper to take care of than dogs, but my mom says, "i wont have an overgrown sparrow flying around and pooping all over" so, nix that idea. that left only two things. mice and rats. and they are both, ( you gotta admit it) REALLY cool! you can train a rat, to do math problems, and mice? they're cute, furry, small, and (betcha didn't know this!) the only small animal gymnast and acrobat! a mouse can be trained to do midair flips, somersaults, and to run on top of, ON TOP OF its wheel! so that settled it.i was going after a mouse. i asked my mom for one. she said no. few years later, (yesterday in fact) i ask again. this time i'm even more eager. so after a long argument she gives in and says ok. but its not over yet. she says i will have to wait for her jugement on whether she thinks i'm responsible. so theres the deal. i have to brush my hair & teeth every day, clean my room everyday not pester my brother (everyday. oh man!) and basically just be responsible. *waves fingers* so you may be asking, "what the heck is "Yay" about that?" well, dear reader, it seems you have missed that if i AM responsible, i, Bridget c. coulter, will get not zero. not one. but TWO mice! and so, dear reader, THAT is the good news.
I've always loved these three words when it comes to pets.
cute. small. furry. so i sent out to get something like that for my own.
a puppy. a kitten. unfortunately my mom is allergic to cats. plus we have money problems and can't afford a dog. (i don't get it cause before we had both!). hamsters are cute. so are their cousins, guinea pigs and gerbils. but my moms allergic to them too. parrots aren't exactly furry, or small for that matter. but they are SO COOL! i mean, come on. who dos'ent want a pet that speaks English? and look at all the species! my mom isn't allergic to birds, or my dad, and parrots are cheaper to take care of than dogs, but my mom says, "i wont have an overgrown sparrow flying around and pooping all over" so, nix that idea. that left only two things. mice and rats. and they are both, ( you gotta admit it) REALLY cool! you can train a rat, to do math problems, and mice? they're cute, furry, small, and (betcha didn't know this!) the only small animal gymnast and acrobat! a mouse can be trained to do midair flips, somersaults, and to run on top of, ON TOP OF its wheel! so that settled it.i was going after a mouse. i asked my mom for one. she said no. few years later, (yesterday in fact) i ask again. this time i'm even more eager. so after a long argument she gives in and says ok. but its not over yet. she says i will have to wait for her jugement on whether she thinks i'm responsible. so theres the deal. i have to brush my hair & teeth every day, clean my room everyday not pester my brother (everyday. oh man!) and basically just be responsible. *waves fingers* so you may be asking, "what the heck is "Yay" about that?" well, dear reader, it seems you have missed that if i AM responsible, i, Bridget c. coulter, will get not zero. not one. but TWO mice! and so, dear reader, THAT is the good news.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
E-mail tag
Hello! my friend tagged me on e-mail so now i have to tag five other people and write a six word memoir. here we go! "had lots of fun at Massachusetts"
ok theres my memoir! (i hope i spelled Massachusetts right!)
ok theres my memoir! (i hope i spelled Massachusetts right!)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Lotsa kool stuff and one thing to top it all off!
Hi there! sorry i haven't been updating as much lately. there's so much to do!
anyway, a lot of great things have happened! i made a one foot tall mountain out of bubbles ( I'll be posting pictures shortly! ;) ) me and my grandma went to the cherry trees at branch brook park, you know. but get this, me and mom and owen are going to a convention in Massachusetts, ( i THINK thats how you spell it. please post a comment about it if i'm wrong!) and mom thinks i'm old enough to go around the convention myself ( well i'm nine!) so because of that she wants me to have some way to talk to her, so i am getting (sound the trumpets!) MY VERY OWN CELL PHONE!
Isn't that COOL? Update: i ended up not getting a cell phone after all.
anyway, a lot of great things have happened! i made a one foot tall mountain out of bubbles ( I'll be posting pictures shortly! ;) ) me and my grandma went to the cherry trees at branch brook park, you know. but get this, me and mom and owen are going to a convention in Massachusetts, ( i THINK thats how you spell it. please post a comment about it if i'm wrong!) and mom thinks i'm old enough to go around the convention myself ( well i'm nine!) so because of that she wants me to have some way to talk to her, so i am getting (sound the trumpets!) MY VERY OWN CELL PHONE!
Isn't that COOL? Update: i ended up not getting a cell phone after all.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Movie intro
Here is a personal blog intro that my dad filmed. now you get
to hear what i sound like! :)
to hear what i sound like! :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Here are the pictures of me and Owen! i put on earrings (clip on, of course.) a necklace, and bracelets for my picture. oh and one thing. i may look like a teenager, but trust me. i'm nine.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Gonna get some pics.
Hi! if you read my friend Lucy's blog you will notice she has pictures.
i would like to announce that i have decided to put in pictures too!
i would like to announce that i have decided to put in pictures too!
Sim city.
I've been teaching my mom to play Sim city!
she really likes it.
oh and Lucy if you're reading this right now i wanna say thanks reminding me about sim city
i have to say i had forgotten about it!
she really likes it.
oh and Lucy if you're reading this right now i wanna say thanks reminding me about sim city
i have to say i had forgotten about it!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
three great news's!
first of all. me and my brother are going to CHUCKIE CHEESES!
And in a few weeks guess what we're goin ta do?
And one more thing. i just found the uglydolls website (i already have two uglydolls! wage and uglydog.)
heres the address.
first of all. me and my brother are going to CHUCKIE CHEESES!
And in a few weeks guess what we're goin ta do?
And one more thing. i just found the uglydolls website (i already have two uglydolls! wage and uglydog.)
heres the address.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Best day ever!
Today was the best day in my LIFE!!!!!! i mean i'm a nine year old, i call sometime the best day ever if i get a lollipop! but this, THIS is truly best! i mean, i got the go to the aquarium
i got to get squeaky & shivers (two toy dolphins. squeaky is rubber & shivers is plastic.)
i got to go to the beach (IN JANUARY!) and i got to get toys from playing games!
of course i never did get a webkinz doll from the crab claw. i seriously think they make you lose ON PURPOSE! even if i manage to grab one of the dolls it slips off the claw when its trying to go into the box!
i got to get squeaky & shivers (two toy dolphins. squeaky is rubber & shivers is plastic.)
i got to go to the beach (IN JANUARY!) and i got to get toys from playing games!
of course i never did get a webkinz doll from the crab claw. i seriously think they make you lose ON PURPOSE! even if i manage to grab one of the dolls it slips off the claw when its trying to go into the box!
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